
Trying to keep configuration for arch

Primary LanguageVim Script


Just dotfiles for arch

Remember that all of the linters for coc-nvim has to be installed seperately

sudo npm i -g markdownlint-cli sudo npm i -g bash-language-server sudo npm i -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs sudo pip install vim-vint go get github.com/mattn/efm-langserver/cmd/efm-langserver

I also referenced the coc-settings.json in this file adding the actual lang-server configurations to work with nvim

"hard" to install

camelcase motion is kind of weird because it is distributed as a vimball from the vim website and you have to open it with neovim or vim and it will be able to deploy it self into the folders it needs to go, plugged/docs etc. but it is really nice, so should install it again with a new distribution


Editor and terminal:

  • Hack (I think that i currently just run with the normal hack font, but obviously sometimes i have installed a modified one that support special icons, not sure what i need after i uninstalled that extension to nerdtree with the icons)

Polybar needs:

  • M+ (AUR: ttf-mplus)
  • Font Awesome 5 (pacman: ttf-font-awesome)

Use the fc-list to see if the fonts is properly installed


Remember to add the .pgpass file and .vimrcpg

Extra installed programs

  • exa (modernised ls, written in Rust(Colors + Git))
  • httpie
  • pgcli
  • bat (Instead of cat)
  • mdp (for presentations, https://github.com/visit1985/mdp)
  • zsh
  • polybar
  • WM: i3-gaps (in contrary to i3)
  • neovim
  • git
  • vimium (chromium plugin)
  • npm/node
  • pip
  • I guess i have some GTK themes installed, currently i am running with the theme Arc, with Adwaita icons
  • Terminal font: Hack
  • Terminal: Alacritty
  • Notice the powerline plugin for zsh and the ZSH theme set as ZSH_THEME="powerline" in the .zshrc

File system layout

sda      8:0    0 167.7G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0     1G  0 part /boot
├─sda2   8:2    0     6G  0 part [SWAP]
├─sda3   8:3    0    20G  0 part /
└─sda4   8:4    0 140.7G  0 part /home

Notice that i gave my Arch linux distro 20GB for the root partition, i would say that i have been running with that for a year and a half now, and i guess that means it is OK, but i really have to cleanup especially Docker and pacman extremely often, deleting packages i don't need anymore all the time e.g. if i have a down time of FSharp at university, i just uninstall it for the extra 120MB. There is definitely no reason not to give your /root partition about 50GB, then you can do a cleanup once every other month.

My paritioning scheme is GPT because i read that it was the new thing

Next time i format and install a linux distro again, i really want to use a sort of encryption of the harddesk, just to check it out.

sudo w/ environments like pager/editor

edit the /etc/environment e.g. add EDITOR=vim Apparently 'sudo' is in a grey area where it does not load the users environment, and it doesn't load the root users environment either. Maybe it is a performance thing, not sure if there is a way of making it load the root users config