
Personal site, server written in Go and frontend primarily Vue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status ./testcoverage.svg

My Personal site

Setting up correct githooks for project

$ chmod +x setup\_project.sh
$ ./setup\_project.sh

Setting up the correct golang binaries


  1. https://github.com/pressly/goose (For the migrations)

  2. Github realize

  3. Run go get ./... (of course, which should fetch the http router, logrus etc.)

Namecheap setup of dns

for jenkins.denlillemand.com i just did a URL redirect record, which amazingly works okay with the jenkins github plugin.

Then i have the std A Record for host @ with my ip and the CNAME record for www pointing to denlillemand.com


How to handle the fact that it kills everything persistent: https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/ProcessTreeKiller

Setting up Jenkins & Github

Hmm ... i used the jenkins package on ubuntu, which pretty much gives it to you for free on port 8080. Just followed the instructions.

The integration with github is pretty terrible as allways. but i do think when you get over the fact that jenkins as an environment where you can generate standard snippets e.g. cloning from github, and that the github plugin can generate that id thingy needed its okay. I found something out about credentials in jenkins aswell, aparently even though you have created some credentials, if the e.g. github plugin is looking for a speicific kind e.g. ssh, username/pass or secret text it will not show any of the other credentials you have created.

Jenkins and docker

!!! i am not using jenkins/docker right now, i will leave the docker file for future use though. Maybe i will find it funny to run some tests in a docker container. i went back to deploying with foreverjs the key was adding a JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE=dontKillMe before calling forever !!!

Nice enough jenkins has built in support for running docker containers.

Remember to run:

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

sudo usermod -a -G docker jenkins

And remember to reboot the VM for jenkins to get the changes and/or restart the SSH connection if you just want to run the commands your self

Mainly using: https//jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/docker/ as a reference


Installing docker on ubuntu


Setting up database


  2. CREATE USER denlillemand;


Remember to log into the 'blog' database before running the following:


Creating migrations

$ goose -dir="migrations" postgres "user= dbname= sslmode=disable" create <sql|go>

Setting up SSL when just hosting a golang executable directly


ref: https://www.kaihag.com/https-and-go/

Setting up Github build status & test coverage badges with jenkins

For the build status badge i used the jenkins plugin: embeddable-build-status-badges, then i changed the security on the jenkins server to matrix-based and for the anonymous user tagged the ones:

  1. Overordnet: Read

  2. Job: ViewStatus

  3. Job: Read

  4. Visninger: Read

Then i went into the job, and then inside of the branch(because of i have a multi branch project it is nested further) and there is a new icon called embeddable build status blabla, on that page it gives various embeddables that you can copy paste into html, markdown etc.

Test coverage badge etc.

https://github.com/badges, used node.js version 9.x, wrote the script test_coverage.js that relies on the go test -cover output that is simply piped to a file in the build.sh script. Outputs the svg image that i refer to locally. The downside is that the test coverage is computed on the client side, but honestly i don't want jenkins to merge changes back into my project, not right now atleast.