
High performance CS:GO demo parser for Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Is a high performance demo parser for the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) written in Go and based on Valve's demoinfogo and SatsHelix's demoinfo.

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Discussions / Chat

You can use gitter to ask questions and discuss ideas about this project.
There are also some other rooms available around the topic of CS:GO demos.

Gitter chat

Go Get

go get -u github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang


This is a simple example on how to use the library. It collects all positions where weapons were fired from (using events.WeaponFiredEvent) and creates a heatmap using go-heatmap.

Check out the examples folder for more examples and the godoc of the events package for some information about the other available events and their purpose.

package main

import (

	heatmap "github.com/dustin/go-heatmap"
	schemes "github.com/dustin/go-heatmap/schemes"

	dem "github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang"
	events "github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang/events"

// Run like this: go run heatmap.go > out.png
func main() {
	f, err := os.Open("/path/to/demo.dem")
	defer f.Close()

	p := dem.NewParser(f)

	// Parse header (contains map-name etc.)
	_, err = p.ParseHeader()

	// Register handler for WeaponFiredEvent, triggered every time a shot is fired
	points := []heatmap.DataPoint{}
	p.RegisterEventHandler(func(e events.WeaponFiredEvent) {
		// Add shooter's position as datapoint
		points = append(points, heatmap.P(e.Shooter.Position.X, e.Shooter.Position.Y))

	// Parse to end
	err = p.ParseToEnd()

	// Generate heatmap and write to standard output
	img := heatmap.Heatmap(image.Rect(0, 0, 1024, 1024), points, 15, 128, schemes.AlphaFire)
	png.Encode(os.Stdout, img)

func checkErr(err error) {
	if err != nil {


Running the above code (go run heatmap.go > heatmap.png) will create a PNG with dots on all the locations where shots were fired (the heatmap 'overlay').

This doesn't look too interesting on it's own but that can be helped by quickly mapping it to the map overview in an image editing tool (2 min tops, no skills required).

Resulting heatmap before and after mapping to map overview


  • Game events (kills, shots, round starts/ends, footsteps etc.) - docs / example
  • Tracking of game-state (players, teams, grenades etc.) - docs
  • Access to entities, server-classes & data-tables
  • Access to all net-messages - docs / example
  • Chat & console messages 1 - docs / example
  • Easy debugging via build-flags
  • Built with performance & concurrency in mind
  1. Only for some demos; in MM demos the chat is encrypted for example.

Performance / Benchmarks

One of the top priorities of this parser is performance and concurrency.

Here are some benchmark results from a system with a Intel i7 2600k CPU and SSD disk running Windows 10 and a demo with 85'000 frames.


Benchmark Description Average Duration Speed
BenchmarkConcurrent Read and parse 8 demos concurrently 2.90 s (per 8 demos) ~234'000 ticks / s
BenchmarkDemoInfoCs Read demo from drive and parse 1.39 s ~61'000 ticks / s
BenchmarkInMemory Read demo from memory and parse 1.38 s ~61'000 ticks / s

Raw output

$ go test -run _NONE_ -bench . -benchtime 30s -benchmem -concurrentdemos 8
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang
BenchmarkDemoInfoCs-8                 30        1397398190 ns/op        162254528 B/op    839779 allocs/op
BenchmarkInMemory-8                   30        1384877250 ns/op        162109924 B/op    839628 allocs/op
BenchmarkConcurrent-8                 20        2902574295 ns/op        1297042534 B/op  6717163 allocs/op
--- BENCH: BenchmarkConcurrent-8
        demoinfocs_test.go:425: Running concurrency benchmark with 8 demos
        demoinfocs_test.go:425: Running concurrency benchmark with 8 demos
ok      github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang  147.800s


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository. There is one caveat however: Beta features - which are marked as such via comments and in release notes - may change in minor releases.

It's recommended to use some kind of dependency management system such as dep to ensure reproducible builds.


Running tests

To run tests Git LFS is required.

git submodule init
git submodule update
pushd cs-demos && git lfs pull -I '*' && popd
go test

Here's a cool gist of a pre-commit hook to run tests before each commit. You can put this inside the .git/hooks directory to avoid commiting/pushing code with build errors or failing tests.


You can use the build tag debugdemoinfocs (i.e. go test -tags debugdemoinfocs -v) to print out debugging information - such as game events or unhandled demo-messages - during the parsing process.
Side-note: The tag isn't called debug to avoid naming conflicts with other libs (and underscores in tags don't work, apparently).

To change the default debugging behavior Go's ldflags paramter can be used. Example for additionally printing out the ingame-tick-numbers: -ldflags '-X github.com/markus-wa/demoinfocs-golang.debugIngameTicks=YES'

Check out debug_on.go for any other settings that can be changed.

Generating protobuf code

Should you need to re-generate the protobuf generated code in the msg package, you will need the following tools:

Make sure both are inside your PATH variable.

After installing these use go generate ./msg to generate the protobuf code.