
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hapi Marko

This module adds support for the Marko templating language to Hapi. It adds a new method to the reply interface: reply.marko. This method is used to render a Marko template and send the result as the response.


$ npm install --production hapi-marko marko

Note: hapi-marko is written using ES6 features. At this time, no transpiling to earlier versions is performed. Therefore, you should be running in an environment that supports ES6.


<!-- templates/index.marko -->
// Simple demo
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const hapiMarko = require('hapi-marko');

const server = new Hapi.Server({minimal: true});
    register: hapiMarko,
    options: {
      templatesDir: __dirname + '/templates'

  method: 'GET',
  path: '/{param}',
  handler: function (req, reply) {
    reply.marko('index', {params: req.params});

  {method: 'GET', url: '/foobar'},
  function(response) {
    console.log(response.result); // <p>foobar</p>


The following options can be supplied as an options object to the hapi-marko initialization function:

  • compileMode (string): 'sync' is the only value currently supported and it is the default
  • contentType (string): the default is text/html
  • context (object): default global context for all templates. The default is null
  • defaultExtension (string): the extension for template files. The default is .marko
  • encoding (string): encoding to send to the client. The default is utf8
  • hotReloading (object):
    • enabled (bool): enables Marko's hot reloading for quickly developing templates. This should not be used in production. Default: false
    • delay (number): how long hapi-marko's file watcher waits when hot reloading is enabled before it processes the change. This let's editors do their thing before the reload occurs. Default: 2500
    • watchFiles (array): an array of [glob][glob] patterns to match for the file watcher. Matched templates will be monitored for changes and reloaded accordingingly. This is useful when you use included templates. Normally, only the parent template will be monitored. Default: []
  • templatesDir (string) [required]: the location where template files are stored. It should be an absolute location to the directory containing the template files

Note: you must supply at least an object with templatesDir set.


  • 0.3.2

    • Fix example in readme (d236d91 - AlexanderElias)
    • Fix Joi import (3583a00 - davidenq)
  • 0.3.1:

    • Fix incorrect definition of hot reloading maps
  • 0.3.0:

    • Adjusts hotReloading option to an object of other options
    • Adds support for specifying a list of templates to monitor
  • 0.2.0:

    • Adds hot reloading support for quicker template development
  • 0.1.0:

    • Initial release. Bare bones implementation. Expect problems
    • Synchronous template rendering is the only rendering method supported


MIT license