Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred.
Sweeper777 opened this issue · 1 comments
After I updated to the swift 3 version (5.0.0-beta.2), this error shows up:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred.
What I'm trying to do with my collection view is that I want to show a bunch of colors for the user to choose from. Here is the cell class:
class ColorCell: UICollectionViewCell, ModelTransfer {
typealias ModelType = UIColor
func update(with model: UIColor) {
layer.cornerRadius = self.w / 2
layer.borderWidth = 1.5
self.backgroundColor = model
Then, I wrote a method with this signature:
func selectedColor(_ cell: ColorCell, color: UIColor, indexPath: IndexPath) {
So far so good. But the error appears on this line:
manager.didSelect(ColorCell.self, ColorSelectorController.selectedColor)
It says that T
cannot be inferred! But obviously T
is ColorCell
Try removing typealias ModelType = UIColor, this should not be needed, as type is gathered automatically from update(with:)
As for second issue, method pointers were removed in DTCollectionViewManager 5.0.0, because it was hard maintaining two event systems. You can react to cell selection with following:
manager.didSelect(ColorCell.self) { cell, color, indexPath in
print("Selected \(color) at \(indexPath)")
Hope this resolves your issue.