Protocol-oriented UICollectionView management, powered by generics and associated types.
- 1
startManagingWithDelegate crash
#42 opened by Mustafa-Ezzat - 1
Quick start updates
#37 opened by vladimir-trib - 1
- 3
collectionview optional?
#32 opened by onsissond - 5
- 3
#35 opened by makleso6 - 1
Access to previous model using CoreDataStorage
#34 opened by onsissond - 1
- 1
- 4
Items get messed up when sections are added
#28 opened by rablador - 4
- 1
UICollectionView performBatchUpdates can trigger a crash if the collection view is flagged for layout
#27 opened by DenTelezhkin - 2
- 5
performBatchUpdates bug
#26 opened by scottphc - 1
- 1
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred.
#22 opened by Sweeper777 - 3
Clearer documentation examples
#21 opened by markst - 1
- 2
- 4
`pod try DTCollectionViewManager` is broken
#13 opened by fatuhoku - 4
registerCellClass with no nibs
#14 opened by vendruscolo - 4
Crash when inserting items
#12 opened by vendruscolo - 1
- 6
Collection view lags
#7 opened by saltwat5r - 3
Crash with nil header
#5 opened by oks - 1
Crash if header/footer sizes set in Layout
#6 opened by oks - 1
Separate classes?
#4 opened by oks