
A version for running in Google Colab

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Code for http://proceedings.mlr.press/v78/standley17a.html

Run in Google Colab

  1. Go to https://colab.research.google.com/
  2. File > Upload notebook... > GitHub
  3. Paste https://github.com/Dene33/image2mass/blob/master/image2mass_colab.ipynb
  4. Select image2mass_colab.ipynb

or just go to: https://github.com/Dene33/image2mass/blob/master/image2mass_colab.ipynb and click Open in Colab

setup (works only with python3):

Install tensorflow

Download evaluation datafiles (see below)

use pip

pip install Pillow
pip install keras==2.1.1 # the most recent version (2.1.2 at time of writing) throws an error loading the model
pip install lz4
pip install opencv-python # or install opencv another way (this method doesn't support cv.imshow() or FFmpeg) but is much easier to install
pip install h5py


Coming soon

example usage:

python3 predict_mass.py test_set_images/airplane_clock_1.jpg 6.25 1.25 2.125 2>/dev/null

(more in predictions.txt)

Ground Truth for Household Test Set:


Evaluation Data Files:


Amazon train/val/test Data Files
