- Golang Test Driven Development
- Unit Testing in golang
- Testing package in golang
- Execute test Case in parallel
Small regression suite
- You have test case around all code and if you change any part of code and if you chaage any part of code for a new feature you will get advanced feedback incase something in code.
Reduction in Bugs
Cleaner and Simple Code
TDD follows a methodology i.e ( RED, GREEN , REFRACTOR)
TDD methodology
methodology Desc RED
Write a test case that gives error. GREEN
Do changes to code to make the test case pass. REFRACTOR
If need some Refractoring do it here. -
Avoids duplication of Code
Refractoring code improves the code
TDD drive the code design and approach
Productivity increase
Following steps define how to perform TDD test,
- Add a test.
- Run all tests and see if any new test fails.
- Write some code.
- Run tests and Refactor code.
- Repeat.
- SetUp: gets the UUT(unit under test ready : dependencies that have to be injected or input paramters , initiate this here ),unit can be particular module , functions, struct and others..
- Execution: trigger or run the UUT and capture all output like return value and output parameters
- Validation: Check if the output matches the expected output.
- Cleanup: restore the UUT on the actual or old state , letting the other test to start from its execution.
- A unit test is a program that tests a unit component by all possible means and compares the result to the expected output.
- Unit Components : functions, struct, methods,
### Unit test sample
- basic structure of a unit test in Go. The built-in testing package is provided by the Go’s standard library.
- A unit test is a function that accepts the argument of type *testing.T and calls the Error (or any other
- error methods which we will see later) on it. This function must start with Test keyword and the latter name
- should start with an uppercase letter (for example, TestMultiply and not Testmultiply).
- unit components can be functions, structs, methods make sure inputs to this components never break application.
import "testing"
func TestAbc(t *testing.T) {
t.Error() // to indicate test failed
- it talks to the database
- communicates across the n/w
- it touches the file system
- it should only focus on business logic not other dependencies
- green color for the passed test
- red color for failed tests,
- (install using go get -u github.com/rakyll/gotest command).
- Run using : go test -v -run TestHelloValidArgs | go test -v -run TestHello
- If you have lots of test files with test functions but you want to selectively run few, you can use -run flag to match test functions with their name - go test -v -run TestHelloEmptyArgs
- go test -v
- go test -v -run=TestSayHelloEmptyArgs
It is the measurement of how many lines of code in your package were executed when you ran your test suit (compared to total lines in your code). Go provide built-in functionality to check your code coverage.
- go test -coverprofile=cover.text
- Both of the testing methodologies are adopted extensively in various projects
- TBT is used for testing small units of codebase whereas people prefer BDT for integration testing.
- TBT approach (unit testing ), functional and integration testing(BDT)
- Map/Slice is used to build inputs and expected o/ps
- Easy to implement and easy to extend further
- Gives clear visualization of What's covered and What's not
- Human-readable description of the software requirements
- Requires planning and lots of effort
- Ginkgo and Gomega framework is preferred by various projects
- Subtests and Parallel tests
- Mocking (go mock- mockgen)
- Fuzzing
- https://utkarshmani1997.medium.com/unit-testing-with-ginkgo-part-1-be7acc6c84c6
- https://utkarshmani1997.medium.com/unit-testing-with-ginkgo-part-2-fe6ed881c635
- https://utkarshmani1997.medium.com/unit-testing-with-ginkgo-part-3-9c1a4b892e01
- https://utkarshmani1997.medium.com/mocking-with-mockgen-43513e3091b5