
Analyze and visualize life expectancy inequalities across countries and genders using ggplot2 in R. This project utilizes data from the United Nations to uncover trends and differences in life expectancy.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Visualizing inequalities in life expectancy

This project visualizes life expectancy inequalities across countries and genders using ggplot2 in R. The dataset contains average life expectancies of men and women by country for four periods: 1985-1990, 1990-1995, 1995-2000, and 2000-2005.


The objective of this project is to analyze life expectancy trends and differences across genders and countries over multiple decades.

Key findings

  • Significant gender disparities in life expectancy exist in many countries.
  • Life expectancy trends show improvement over time, but with varying rates of progress across different regions.
  • The project provides insights into how socio-economic factors might influence life expectancy.

Project overview

In this project:

  • We use R and ggplot2 to visualize life expectancy data.
  • We analyze trends and patterns in life expectancy across different countries and genders.
  • We create comprehensive visualizations to illustrate findings.


The dataset used in this project contains information on average life expectancies of men and women by country (in years) for the periods:

  • 1985-1990
  • 1990-1995
  • 1995-2000
  • 2000-2005

Project structure

  • datasets/: Contains the dataset used for analysis.
  • Visualizing_Inequalities.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook with the full analysis and visualizations.