
Simple movie listing Android app allowing users to discover movies. This is a continuation of PopularMoviesStage1 project and it is also a Project 2 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.

Primary LanguageJava


Simple movie listing Android app allowing users to discover movies. This is a continuation of this project and it is also a Project 2 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.


  • Discover top rated and popular movies
  • Basic UI optimizations for phones and tablets
  • UI designed using Material Design
  • Watch movie trailers
  • Read movie reviews from other users
  • Mark movies as your favorites and learn about them offline

Used Libraries inside this project


Developer Setup

Clone or download this repository and follow requirements and API KEY sections to get a successful build of this app.


  • Java 7
  • Latest version of Android Studio, Android Build Tools and Gradle


This app uses themoviedb.org API to get a releavant movie information and posters. You must provide your own API Key in order to build the app.

Create gradle.properties file(if it doesn't exist) and put your API key inside this file:



Denis Dávidek