Expand or collapse all cards in a list on Pintask, the hackable task tracker.
This versatile plugin is only a couple lines of code:
insertLink = ($listHeaderQuickIcons) ->
$link = $("<div class='expand-collapse-all-cards icon-list' title='Expand or collapse all cards in this list'></div>")
$link.on("click", clickListener)
clickListener = (event) ->
listId = $(event.target).closest(".board-list").attr("data-id")
firstCard = Cards.findOne({listId: listId}, {sort: {position: 1}})
if !firstCard
shouldOpen = !Session.get(firstCard.htmlId() + "-is-open")
Cards.find({listId: listId}).forEach (card) ->
Session.set(card.htmlId() + "-is-open", shouldOpen)
Template.listHeader.rendered = _.compose(->
insertLink($(@find(".board-list-header .quick-icons")))
, Template.listHeader.rendered)
Meteor.startup ->
insertLink($(".board-list-header .quick-icons"))
This plugin is written in CoffeeScript. Plain old JS version is available, too.
So easy to make your own plugin ;)