
Generate personal invite links for Telegram channels

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram team added new invite links

Along with the main invite link, owners and admins can now create additional links with a limited duration, number of uses, or both.

So, this library seems outdated and should not be used. Prefer createChatInviteLink from docs

Telegram Inviter - tginviter

tginviter is a Python3 module to generate and process personal invite links for Telegram channels.


Demo GIF

Why tginviter?

Some projects requires personal invite liks for joining channels, because joinchat link is can easy be stolen. Unfortunately, Telegram API and existing Pytohn modules lacks functional to protect invite links, that's why I decided to code it by myself.

How does it work?

This module combines power of python-telegram-bot and telethon , so that tginviter can use bot's and client's Telegram API at the same time.

  • python-telegram-bot and bot's API is used to process deeplinks and store invite tokens to some kind of users whitelist.

  • telethon and client's API is used for periodic checks that all users in channels are in whitelist, othervise that user will be banned.

Both actions are highly customizable for your purposes, cause they are specified by callback functions deeplink_handler and job_handler.


For now you could clone repository and copy module to needed location. Soon I will add more convinient way to install.

git clone https://github.com/cuamckuu/tg-inviter.git
cd tg-inviter
python setup.py install

# Or

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/cuamckuu/tg-inviter.git#egg=tg-inviter


See example.py to find code used in gif.

Specify your keys in .env file or in code:

# Telethon
export TELETHON_API_ID='12***19'
export TELETHON_API_HASH='48c***559417****120eae******2798'
export TELETHON_SESSION_NAME="./sessions/Inviter.session"

# py-telegram-bot
export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN='13921*****:AAGLC**********v1OMJdy9-****wI6hy-U'

Create callback functions deeplink_handler and job_handler

In example I did it like so:

def create_callbacks(storage, client):
    def deeplink_handler(update, context):
        if not context.args:

        token = context.args[0]
        if storage.uses_left(token) <= 0:
            if update.message:

        payload = storage.get_payload(token)

        joinchat_key = payload["joinchat_key"]
        keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_button(
                text="Join channel",

        channel_id = payload["channel_id"]
        user_id = update.effective_user.id

        storage.add_subscription(channel_id, user_id)

        if update.message:

    job_num = 0
    def job_handler(context):
        nonlocal job_num
        job_num += 1

        if job_num == 1:
            for channel_id in storage.get_channel_ids():
                client.subscribe_everyone(channel_id, storage)
            for channel_id in storage.get_channel_ids():
                client.ban_extra_users(channel_id, storage)

    return deeplink_handler, job_handler

Initialize Storage, PythonTelegramBot and TelethonClient

Storage shoild be inherited from tginviter.storage.BaseStorage. You can add support for your database or ORM.

storage = MemoryStorage()

client = TelethonClient(

deeplink_handler, job_handler = create_callbacks(storage, client)
bot = PythonTelegramBot(
    interval=4  # Call job_handler every 4 seconds
bot_name = bot.get_name()

Generate invite links, add them to storage and start bot

Payload must contain channel_id and joinchat_key to proprly create users whitelist and 'Join channel' button. Also you can add own keys to payload, if needed.

payload = {
    "channel_id": -100123123123,  # Your channel id
    "joinchat_key": "AAAAAEzKBlgClOKabErxyg",  # Last part from joinchat url

link, token = generate_invite_link(bot_name)
storage.insert(token, max_uses=1, payload=payload)

# Generate and save more links here, if needed...
