
Material Design Search Bar for Android

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

#Material SearchBar Android Material Design Search Bar for Android Android Arsenal

This beautiful and easy to use library will help to add Lollipop Material Desing SearchView in your project.

Material Design SearchBar Android

#How to use

to include SearchBar to your project:

add this code to the the project level build.gradle file

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

add the dependency to the the app level build.gradle file

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.mancj:MaterialSearchBar:0.2.1'

then add SearchBar to your activity:

    app:hint="Custom hint"
    android:id="@+id/searchBar" />

MaterialSarchBar has the following xml attributes:

attribute description
hint Set custom prompt in the search box
speechMode If set to true, microphone icon will display instead of the search icon.
maxSuggestionsCount Specifies the maximum number of search queries stored until the activity is destroyed
iconLeft Change left icon
iconRight Change right icon
textColor Change text color
hintColor Change text hint color

public methods:

  • disableSearch()
  • enableSearch()
  • isSearchEnabled()
  • setHint(CharSequence hint)
  • setSpeechMode(boolean speechMode)
  • setOnSearchActionListener(OnSearchActionListener onSearchActionListener)
  • setLastSuggestions(List<String> suggestions)
  • getLastSuggestions()
  • setMaxSuggestionCount(int maxQuery)
  • setIconLeft(int iconLefttResId)
  • setIconRight(int iconRightResId)
  • setTextColor(int textColor)
  • setTextHintColor(int hintColor)
  • inflateMenu(int menuResource)
  • getMenu()

To save search queries when the activity is destroyed, use the method searchBar.getLastSuggestions() and then, to restore them use searchBar.setLastSuggestions(List<String>); as shown in the example below


Here is a simple example of using MaterialSearchBar

private List<String> lastSearches;
private MaterialSearchBar searchBar;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    searchBar = (MaterialSearchBar) findViewById(R.id.searchBar);
    searchBar.setHint("Custom hint");
    //enable searchbar callbacks
    //restore last queries from disk
    lastSearches = loadSearchSuggestionFromDiks();
    //Inflate menu and setup OnMenuItemClickListener

protected void onDestroy() {
    //save last queries to disk

//called when searchbar enabled or disabled
public void onSearchStateChanged(boolean enabled) {
    String s = enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search " + s, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

//called when user confirms request
public void onSearchConfirmed(CharSequence text) {
    startSearch(text.toString(), true, null, true);

//called when microphone icon clicked
public void onSpeechIconSelected() {