
GitHub repository containing the server for the Kulea Africa Price Index project, which provides real-time commodity price information across Africa by aggregating data from multiple public sources.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About The Project

Sugar Price Tracker

Authors Name

Denis Ouma Otieno

Table of contents

General info

This is an API built with Node.js and cheerio that scrapes sugar prices from various online sources and provides a RESTful interface for accessing the data. The API scrapes sugar prices daily and stores them in a PostgreSQL database.

The API provides endpoints for retrieving sugar prices by country, as well as the latest sugar price for a given country. The API also includes a filter option to allow users to filter sugar prices by country.

Tecknologies Used

PostgreSQL (save data to db)
Cheerio (for web scraping)
Axios (for making HTTP requests)

Program Setup

To use this API, follow these steps:

1. Clone the repository

2. Install dependencies using
    npm install

3. Create a PostgreSQL database and configure the .env file with your database credentials, then create a new table in the  database inthis formart, option use pgAdmin query Tool to create the table. compy and paste the script and run to create
sugar_prices table.

            CREATE TABLE sugar_prices (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            sugar_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
            country VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
            quantity VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
            date DATE NOT NULL,
            price VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

4. To scrap data from the internet run this command
        node scrapper.js

5. to start the server run this command in your directory folder
    npm run serve

The API will then be accessible at http://localhost:5000.


GET /prices - Retrieves all sugar prices in the database
GET /prices/:country - Retrieves the latest sugar price for a specific country

Filter Option

The API also includes a filter option to allow users to filter sugar prices by country. To use the filter option, make a GET request to /prices with the country query parameter set to the desired country.


Contributions to this project are welcome. To contribute, fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.

Database Preview of scrapt Data