Stop Permuting Features

This repository contains code for the experiment described in my blog post on permutation importance - Stop permuting features.

Structure of the project

src - all the experiment's code


  • notebooks/0-experiment-illustration.ipynb - illustration fo the single experiment
  • notebooks/1-exploring-results.ipynb - notebooks analysing results of experiment without relearning
  • notebooks/1.1-exploring-results-relearn.ipynb - notebooks analysing results of experiment with relearning
  • notebooks/2-extrapolation-illustration.ipynb - notebook illustrating extrapolation problem of permutation importance


  • data/experiment_results_no_relearn.csv - combined data from the experiment without relearning (1200 runs)
  • data/experiment_results_relearn.csv - combined data from an experiment with relearning (120 runs)

Reproducibility of results

Specify all parameters in main function ( file), and run the following code:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Although it's a bad practice to make changes in code to run a new experiment, the project is rather simple, so no config files were used.