Procedure: STACK concatenation
Method: Hoare's quicksort
Realize these actions:
- Create the stack
- Add the element to the stack (push)
- Pull out the element from the stack (pop)
- Return the topmost element of the stack (top)
- Destroy the stack (destroy)
- Check the emptiness of the stack
- Quick sort
Algoritm includes following:
- Choose a pivot (supporting element)
- Devide stack into two stacks(right and left)
- The elements that are less then pivot we put into right stack, others- to the left stack
- Then we do the previous steps for right and left sctacks
- Concatenate right and left stack and the pivot in the one stack
- Return this stack
- stack_print(Stack* stack)
- stack_sort(Stack* stack)
- stack_concatenate(Stack* right, Stack* left, Item* pivot)
I | O
1 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 3
2 | 1
1 | 2
3 | 3
1 | 1
3 | 1
2 | 2
1 | 3
- Download this folder to your PC
- Type 'make' to compile
- Launch by typing ./start
- Type 'help' to gain the information about the keys to control the app
Here is the keys description:
- 'add' - to insert the value in the stack
- 'print' - to print the stack
- 'destroy' - to delete the stack
- 'sort' - to start sorting the stack with Hoare's quick sort algorithm
- 'exit' or 'quit' - to quit the application