
Angular project Softuni

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Project Trance Festivals worldwide 2019

Small website containing information about trance music events all over the world. Using Angular for front-end, Kinvey as backend; Bootstrap; Toastr.

Short info and functionalities:


  • Authentication module - contains Login and Register components.
  • Comments module - contains components with logic and forms for add,edit,delete comments;
  • Fests module - contains components for add,edit and delete festivals.
  • Landing module - contains component displayed when a user has been blocked by Admin, and home component with info for the published festivals.
  • Shared module - contains Header with public area info and simple text footer.
  • Users module - contains components with info for every user area - own comments and published info, all users - accessible for admin users; admin functionalities for editing users' collection.
  • Core module - Contains: Kinvey Appkey and Appsecret; Auth guard; Error interceptor and token interceptors; Models folder containing interfaces.
  • Services folder - auth service and handling calls to database using Observables.


Can see most visited festivals on home page. On clicking review button, redirect to Login Page.

Registered / Logged-in Users can:

Add and/or edit new post for festivals Add and/or edit their comments below each post. Like other users' comments. Edit their own profile - the e-mail address. View published festivals by all users.

Admin functionalities:

Delete all posts Delete all comments Delete / Edit users Block / Unblock selected users. Admin role is implemented with Kinvey role Id.