- 1
Error in the console
#2668 opened by Lordome3 - 1
- 1
Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to Denizen v1.2.8-SNAPSHOT (build 1795-REL)
#2647 opened by kannibal001 - 2
b1782 1.16.5 don't work
#2639 opened by DonorKrovi - 1
NoClassDefFoundError "craftbukkit/v1_20_R3/inventory/CraftInventoryCustom"
#2589 opened by CrazyFish159 - 2
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/citizensnpcs/trait/HologramTrait$HologramDirection
#2557 opened by ChrissW-R1 - 1
Spread Around New Tag Param Usage, Static Tag Registration, new Property format, and Command autoExecute
#2355 opened by mcmonkey4eva - 1
- 3
Oraxen Support
#2471 opened by ItzMeLilG - 2
Nested translate tags produce broken strings
#2461 opened by lexiccn - 1
Update to 1.19.4
#2457 opened by smlrrlms - 0
Custom explorer maps creation
#2437 opened by PsychoLynx - 1
Discord Appeal
#2421 opened by MrStreeet - 0
#2350 opened by mcmonkey4eva - 0
New FurnaceStartsSmeltingEvent returns an incorrect total_cook_time context value
#2402 opened by Baivo - 2
Add wolf collar dyed and cat collar dyed event
#2388 opened by AllayBreeze - 1
Improve Tag <PlayerInventoryTag.map_slots>
#2384 opened by thanhbadaodz - 0
folder delete
#2380 opened by DennisKhrushch - 1
Chicken EggLayTime mechanism feature
#2376 opened by Rorkh - 2
Move Denizen packet listener to async,
#2368 opened by PedroMPagani - 1
Short-circuit tags
#2365 opened by Morphan1 - 1
NPCs Sinking into ground instead of sitting
#2352 opened by fruitologistero - 1
mechanism loot_table_id
#2344 opened by 0000Artur0000 - 0
Plugin Fails to Enable on 1.18.2
#2330 opened by TheCrafter8000 - 3
modifyblock not working with definitions
#2327 opened by BBCSS - 0
Interop - Implementing custom event & tags
#2324 opened by NeumimTo - 1
Velocity Support
#2292 opened by griffins07 - 1
Tag Broken
#2290 opened by thanhbadaodz - 1
Custom Enchants
#2266 opened by Eixl - 1
ItemTags create lagspike
#2287 opened by BloodEko - 5
StackOverflowError on server start-up
#2286 opened by SlimeDog - 0
Handle events using path of the class package
#2285 opened by kassadGLA - 1
On player receives command issue
#2283 opened by thanhbadaodz - 1
Citizens NPC with Mirrorskin causes extra PlayerQuitEvent to fire on a player kick
#2282 opened by JeffP07 - 0
- 2
Translated name not work as expected
#2280 opened by pa6324641 - 1
IllegalStateException on server start-up
#2279 opened by SlimeDog - 1
sidebar command broken in 1.17?
#2277 opened by X0nePlay - 1
- 4
Flag command does not accept expire as argument
#2275 opened by bakaschwarz - 1
Inventory open at horse
#2273 opened by pobab - 0
Option added to the cast command for level overwriting
#2272 opened by Baileyc889 - 6
Built for a different Spigot revision?
#2271 opened by SlimeDog - 1
Mechanism piston_reaction to shulker_box
#2270 opened by pobab - 1
Imperfect <item> argumet
#2269 opened by Darwin1546 - 1
- 1
Debug Update
#2267 opened by BloodEko - 1
#2264 opened by BBCSS - 1
#2263 opened by Monaldcry7788 - 1
Error spaming console
#2262 opened by Euphillya