eps-press is an interactive blogging platform for the Environmental Protection and Sanitation club Lafia.

Live Demo

alt screenshot

alt screenshot


1 Git clone this repository
2 cd to cloned repo root directory
3 run yarn add to install dependencies
4 run node server.js to start server
5 open another terminal and cd to projects client directory
6 run yarn add to install clients dependencies
7 run yarn start to start client server
8 visit http://localhost:3000 on your browser to view app.


The following features were implemented.

Authentication & Authorization

This application uses json web token (jwt) to authenticate and authorize users on both client and server side. When a user succefully logs into the application, a unique jwt with a brief life span is generated on the server and sent to the client, which is stored on the client and must be used for subsequent server calls.

Role Based Access Control The application uses Role Base Access Control to assign rights and privilages to users.

Guest Unregistered users are able to

  • Sign up to the application
  • Search for post
  • Read posts and comments

Registered users Registered users are able to:

  • Login
  • Search and read all posts and comments
  • Like, unlike and reply posts and comments
  • Create and edit their post and comments
  • View other users profile
  • View their own profile and upload avater
  • Log out of the application


Administrators enjoys all the rights and privilages of a registered user, and in addition can:

  • Edit a users post and comment
  • Delete a users post and comment
  • change a users avater

Tech Stack

This application was built with the following technologies:

  • React.js: This is a Javascript front-end component base library for building declearative User Interface
  • Context API and useReducer hooks for managing application global state
  • Reactstrap: Reactstrap provides a prebuilt Bootstrap 4 components that allow a great deal of flexibility, this was use to build beautiful and responsive UI.
  • Node.js: Node.js is a server side javascript runtime environment for running javascript on the server.
  • Express.js: Express.js is a Node.js framework for builing RESTful apis.
  • MongoDb/Mongoose: MongoDB is a cross-platform document oriented NoSQL database use to persist application data.

Sample enviroment configurations

  • SECRET_KEY='mysecrerekey'
  • MONGODB_URL='mongodb://'DB_USER':'DB_PASS'@example.mlab.com:6923/epspress'

Find more in the .env.example file