A fully fledged lock-in amplifier running at 25 kHz sampling rate @ 12-bit on an Adafruit M4 microprocessor board with an extensive Python graphical user interface showing real-time signals, interactive filter design and real-time power spectra.
- amontene823
- baekgaardDTU Compute, Cognitive Systems
- caidishUniversity of Washington
- camorani
- croma64
- erickmartinez
- Jend4sUWB in Pilsen
- KivancDemir
- konosubakonoakuaIMP ⚜ BOSCH ⚜ CAEP ⚜ UESTC
- Leon-MartinVW
- Linupe
- martinriederMaking tractors run @JohnDeere
- MattheishNemsense
- ndjvisserVeridis
- neureustechNeureus Technologies S.L.
- PleaseCallMePahJhonn
- pmarkus93
- rsxy
- tephyrnexKLA
- wu168888
- Yifang-Yuan
- yu-ting-pyUniversity of Tübingen