
A Checkmk 2.0+ agent plugin for monitoring your Chia Blockchain Nodes and Chia Farms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Checkmk 2.0+ agent plugin for monitoring your Chia Blockchain Nodes and Chia Farms


  1. Copy all checkmk-server/ files into your Checkmk server site agent folder (with su - <mysite>) e.g. OMD[<mysite>]:~/local/lib/check_mk/base/plugins/agent_based/ and mark them as executable with chmod +x *.py
  2. Copy all checkmk-client/ files into your Checkmk client plugin folder e.g. /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/ and mark them as executable with chmod +x *
  3. Update the CHIA_INSTALLATION_PATH= and CHIA_INSTALLATION_USER= in those client plugin files with your chia installation path and Chia user.
  4. Rediscover the new services on each client via WATO.


v1.01 Update server plugin "chia_farm.py" for 2.1.9

v1.00 Initial commit.