
Script to send monitoring (e.g. Icinga2) notifications to Discord via webhook

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Monitoring Discord Webhook

Script to send monitoring (e.g. Icinga2) notifications to Discord via webhook


usage: Icinga2 Discord Notification [-h] [-v] -r Discord webhook url
                                    [-i Icinga2 web url] -t Notification type -b
                                    Notification author -c Notification comment -d
                                    Notification timestamp [-x Notification notes] -s
                                    Host/Service state -o Host/Service output -l Host
                                    name -n Host display name [-4 Host IPv4 address]
                                    [-6 Host IPv6 address] [-e Service name]
                                    [-u Service display name]


Argument Description Required
-r Discord webhook y
-i Icinga2 web url n
-t $notification.type$ y
-b $notification.author$ n
-c $notification.comment$ n
-d $icinga.long_date_time$ y
-x $notification.notes$ n
-s $host.state$ / $service.state$ y
-o $host.output$ / $service.output$ y
-l $host.name$ y
-n $host.display_name$ y
-4 $host.address$ n
-6 $host.address6$ n
-e $service.name$ n
-u $service.display_name$ n


Debian based distributions (e.g. Ubuntu):

apt install python3 python3-requests python3-urllib3