For the Sad-Flak programming language, an unholy fusion of Woefully, and Brain-Flak.
so, like brain-flak, you have some nilads and monads. However, control flow does not come from {...}
loops, instead the control flow comes from woefully, which cannot be explained in one sentence
Nilads evaluate to a value, possibly doing a side effect. Monads evaluate all nilads and monads inside of them, and use the some of their values as the argument, then evaluate as a value
Nilads and monads:
= evaluates to 1<>
= pop a, push to b (evaluates to popped value)[]
= bool pop a. if the popped value was 0, return 0, otherwise 1.{}
= pop a, evaluate to popped value≤≥
= halt. immediately halts program execution(...)
= push argument to stack a<...>
= still evaluate all inside but evaluate to 0[...]
= evaluates to its argument, multiplied by -1{...}
= pop from b, evaluate to popped value multiplied by argument≤...≥
= jump by argument
What is jump, you may ask?
well, here is where we get to control flow.
there is a command_pointer, or whatever you want to call it. it starts at the first line
-> ≤()≥(())
note the number 2. this evaluates to two blank lines, so this program is identical to
-> ≤()≥(())
We see the line the ->
points at, so we execute that
so, the command ≤()≥
jumps the command_pointer forward by one.
stack: 1
note that the program execution does not immediately jump. so the push one ((())
) command is still executed.
-> \
stack: 1
when the -> is pointing at a blank line, it instead points to the next non-blank line. also note that the blank lines wrap around the entire program, for purposes of jumping, and when there are blank lines
so we execute the ≤()≥(()())
-> v
stack: 1 2
it exectutes the jump, and the (()())
. the 2 is on the top of stack.
Again, it executes the same line
-> ≤()≥(()())
stack: 1 2 2
it is still pointing at that line, so once more!
-> ≤≥
stack: 1 2 2 2
now the pointer is pointing at the halt command. when we execute the line, the program halts. then, the stack gets outputted:
so, hopefully you can see how control flow works. Wait, what did you say? "Where are the conditionals". Well, my good friend, there are none.
unless you count []
, the bool pop command. this command is at the heart of turing completeness, along with it's buddies:
multiplication, used with the bool pop command, you can multiply jump values by things depending on whether a TOS was 0 stack. it also transfers value from the off stack to the on stack -
this is the pop a to b command, which is needed to keep two stacks working, and also work with multiplication.
and of course
halting -
of course, other commands are needed for TC ness. but these are outstanding ones in control flow.