
A Discord bot allowing users to be de-anonymised

Primary LanguageJavaScript



All commands are prefixed with an exclamation mark.

whois - Returns the real name of a user


!whois @Harold
!whois Harold

insert_user - Inserts a new user into the user catalogue.


!insert_user @covfefe, Donald Trump
!insert_user covfefe, Donald Trump

list_users - Lists all registered users

delete_user - Deletes a user from the user catalogue.


!delete_user @covfefe, Donald Trump
!delete_user covfefe, Donald Trump

fetch_users_json - Sends the user.json file.

register - Sends a registration request Examples

!register Donald Trump, 
!register Donald Trump, <some verification e.g. link to a driving license>

Configuration file

Stored in conf.json


  "App" : {
    "UserSaveLoc" : "./users.json"

  "Discord" : {
    "APIKey" : "The bot's secret token. This is not the client secret.",
    "AppId" : "The application's (bot's) ID. This is not the client ID"
    "GuildId" : "The guild's id",
    "AdminRole" : "Committee",
    "MemberRole" : "ICAS Members",
    "FresherRole": "Fresher",
    "AdminChannel" : "Channel to send register",
    "ImageChannels": [
      "name of image channel to have source reverse lookups made"
    "EmojiReactID": "395721719144251393"

  "Verification": [
    "Your driving licence"

  "Web" : {
    "Address" : "http://localhost",
    "Port" : 8080

  "SauceNAO": {
    "apikey": ""

  "OpenAI": {
    "APIKey": ""

  "ImageKit": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "APIKey": "",
    "PublicKey": "",
    "URLEndpoint": ""

Easy set-up

Easiest way to set this up is to use render.com for deployment. Choose node server and add 2 secret files. One for conf.json and one for users.json. Only caveat is that users.json will revert every restart unless you have a storage plan. You can use ImageKit as an external storage host to store the users.json file.

To ensure the app doesn't go to sleep use cron-job.org to set up automatic jobs to ping the server.