Summary of the solution


-Language: Python3 -Liblary: Pandas


  • I decided to use OOP because this way I can reuse methods already defined and implements for a given solution
  • Example of this methods are reading data and checking for Empty value
  • For working with data I decided to use pandas liblary because it provide simplicity while working with large dataset

First Question

  • First I had to load the data and factor in for Input/Output Error
  • Next check to see if there are any missing values in the dataset
  • Understand how the dataset is or have a look at it before sorting
  • Since we only want data for Sunday then we hav to filter out the dataset and drop the rows that contains the data where the day is not Sunday
  • In the already filtered dataset find the top seven most traveled routesand rank them accordingly in descending order.
  • Finaly calculate the average of the top seven routes

Second Question

  • Make use of the methods defined in solution one to load the dataset and check if there are any empty values
  • If everything is OK filter the dataset according to the route and drop all the rows where the column of travel_from is not Kijauri
  • Next filter out the remaining dataset and drop all the rows where the travel_time was after 0730hrs
  • The resultant dataset will only contain the values for travel duration that occured before 7:30
  • Calculate the probability of the mean of travel being a shuttle because the dataset has both bus and shuttle

Third Question

  • Make use of methods in solution one for loading the dataset and checking if any of the fields are empty
  • Get all transaction receipt that have letters MK in then in that order
  • Get the index of letter M and add 2 more index to get the next letter after index of K
  • store this letters in a separate list
  • Loop through the list and hold the letter that appears the most times
  • Due to the fact that it is appearing most times then it is the most probale letter in the tri-gram

Fourth Question

  • Make use of methods in solution one for loading the dataset and checking if any of the fields are empty
  • Also to avoid repetion use the method in solution two to filter out the dataset according to the specified route
  • Next get the no of rows where the payment method used is Mpesa:Assumption made that this is the mobile money means of payment
  • Next get the count of all rows of the dataset
  • To get the percentage divide the numbet of payments where the method of payment is Mpesa and the total number of rows and multiply the answer by 100
  • If the percentage is over 50 percent then recomend YES for having mobile payment else recomend No.