

  • URL shortener has 2 APIs, please follow API example to implement:
    • A RESTful API to upload a URL with its expired date and response with a shorten URL.
    • An API to serve shorten URLs responded by upload API, and redirect to original URL. If URL is expired, please response with status 404.

Quick Start


  • Workdir is short folder.
  • Build Golang
    • go build -o short .
  • Run Server
    • chmod 777 short
    • ./short


  • Run Golang
    • go run main.go


  • Workdir is root folder.
  • Build docker:
    • docker build . -t short
  • Run docker:
    • docker run -p 80:80 short


  • Golang version
    • Golang 1.17+
  • 3rd party lib
    • gin-gonic/gin
      • Is popular framework with golang.
      • Have many feature and middleware.
    • chenyahui/gin-cache
    • gin-contrib/cors
      • CORS middleware.
    • gin-contrib/pprof
      • pprof with gin middleware.
    • mattn/go-sqlite3
      • sqlite3 driver.
    • google/uuid
      • generate uuid for short url.
    • spf13/viper
      • parse environment variables.
  • Database
    • SQLite.
      • Lightweight SQL.
      • small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine.
  • Unit test lib
    • DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock
    • stretchr/testify/assert


  • Support
    • Http 2.0.
    • CORS.
    • Pprof and Trace.
  • Has cache middleware with memory.
  • Use SQLite, not install any sql database.
    • If need to change any RDBMS, Can very quick change.
  • CI/CD with gitlab.
  • Dockerize.


Not Cache

Has Cache