Digital ocean domain adding API
The base class is # DigitalOcean
- php 7.0
- Composer Run composer install to update the dependancies with your environment Digital ocean requires an access token to access any account. The DigitalOcean class expects the environment variable DO_TOKEN to use for authentication. Export the token to the environment
export DO_TOKEN=get_access_token_from_digital_ocean_dashboard
test classes are under the test folder. To create a domain, update a test case with the designated domain name and then run the unit tests with these command
./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/DoTest.php
sample success response should be
[success] => 1
[message] => {"domain":{"name":"","ttl":null,"zone_file":null}}
Time: 1.86 seconds, Memory: 4.00 MB
OK (1 test, 1 assertion)