
A packet format for self-describing IoT devices

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


A packet format for self-describing IoT devices

License: LGPL Build Status

Selene Packet Definitions

Selene packets are used by Selene devices to describe pin changes, general device and pin info, connection state, and to make requests for changes. A μC can run one or more Selene device, publish packets related to it, and listen for request packets.

An MQTT broker is used for dispatching Selene packets over networks. Selene packets are sent with QoS = 0, but with the retain flag set to true - this means packets are not guaranteed to be delivered, and the broker saves the most recent packet in each topic. Relay nodes link μCs to the MQTT broker, and web clients can connect to MQTT brokers directly.

To support use in μCs, web browsers, and transmission over MQTT, Selene packets have three standard representations: binary, MQTT, and JavaScript.

Binary Representation

Byte # Name Type Description
0 Prefix 0x53 For distinguishing from other prototcols. Always equal to ascii 'S'.
1-4 Address u32LE¹
5 Type 1-5 Type code. Selene packet types are described in the 'Packet Types' section.
6 Pin u8² Pin #. For packets that do not refer to pin (e.g. devinfo), equal to zero.
7 Flags
7.0³ IsRequest bool True for packets requesting a change. False for packets reporting actual state.
7.1-7 Reserved 0 Reserved for future use. Currently always equal to zero.
8-9 Reserved 0 Reserved for future use. Currently always equal to zero.
10 PSize u8 Size of payload, in bytes
11-End Payload ? Payload type varies depeneding on packet type. Details in the 'Packet Types' section.

¹32-bit unsigned integer with little endian byte order.

²8-bit unsigned integer.

³.0 is the most significant bit, .7 is leeast significant.

MQTT Representation

MQTT packets are divided into a topic (String) and a message (binary). For Selene, MQTT topics follow the pattern 'Se/[Address]/[Type]/[Pin]/[IsRequest]', with MQTT messages being equal to Selene payloads.

Topic Section Name Description
0 Prefix For distinguishing from non-Selene MQTT packets. Always equal to "Se".
1 Address Hex string, in uppercase, with no leading zeroes. At most 8 characters, corresponding to 32-bit addresses
2 Type Human-readable type name, in lowercase. Details in the 'Packet Types' section.
3 Pin Hex string, in uppercase, with no leading zeroes. Omitted from packets that do not refer to pins (e.g. devinfo).
End IsRequest Equal to "r" if packet is a request, otherwise omitted. May be in position 3 or 4, depending on whether topic has a pin value.

Note: Trailing slashes and further subtopics are not permitted in Selene topics.

JavaScript Representation

Packet {
  Number address,
  String type,
  Number|null pin,
  Buffer payload,
  Boolean isRequest

Packet Types

Code Name Pin Payload size Payload type Notes
1 Discovery No 0 None When a μC receives a discovery packet, it should reply with devinfo and pininfo
2 Connection No 1 bool Indicates if a μC is connected.
3 Devinfo No 0 - 144 [u8]¹ Payload is typically a utf8-encoded JSON string.
4 Pininfo Yes 0 - 144 [u8]¹ Payload is typically a utf8-encoded JSON string.
5 Pin Yes 4 u32LE² Used to report pin values, or with the request flag to request a pin change.

¹Array of 8-bit unsigned integers.

²32-bit unsigned integer with little endian byte order.


Address 0xFFFFFFFF is all call. So, to discover all μCs on a bus, send a discovery packet with address 0xFFFFFFFF.

Type code 0 is not used. I had a reason for that, but I forget what it is.


Connection packet indicating device 0xCA75 is connected:

// Binary
<Buffer 53 75 ca 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 01 01>

  topic: "Se/CA75/connection",
  message: <Buffer 01>

  address: 0xCA75,
  type: "connection",
  pin: null,
  payload: <Buffer 01>,
  isRequest: false

Pininfo packet describing pin 2 on device 0xFAE:

// Binary
<Buffer 53 ae 0f 00 00 04 02 00 00 00 20 7b 22 6e 61 6d
        65 22 3a 22 4c 45 44 22 2c 22 6d 69 6e 22 3a 30
        2c 22 6d 61 78 22 3a 31 30 32 33>

  topic: 'Se/FAE/pininfo/2',
  message: <Buffer 7b 22 6e 61 6d 65 22 3a 22 4c 45 44 22 2c 22 6d
                   69 6e 22 3a 30 2c 22 6d 61 78 22 3a 31 30 32 33>

  address: 0xFAE,
  type: "pininfo",
  pin: 2,
  payload: <Buffer 7b 22 6e 61 6d 65 22 3a 22 4c 45 44 22 2c 22 6d
                   69 6e 22 3a 30 2c 22 6d 61 78 22 3a 31 30 32 33>,
  isRequest: false

Pin packet requesting that device 0x5E34 set pin 0xA1 to 13:

// Binary
<Buffer 53 34 5e 00 00 05 a1 80 00 00 04 0d 00 00 00>

  topic: "Se/5E34/pin/A1/r",
  message: <Buffer 0d 00 00 00>

  address: 0x5E34,
  type: "pin",
  pin: 0xA1,
  payload: <Buffer 0d 00 00 00>,
  isRequest: true
