
Generates an overlay file that can be included with a new Alpine install to allow setting it up over SSH.

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Alpine SSH Setup

Generates an overlay file that can be included with a new Alpine install to allow setting it up over SSH.


Designed for use with the Raspberry Pi variant of Alpine Linux fround at https://www.alpinelinux.org/downloads/ . Assumes a wired network connection.


Running the makefile generates a temporary SSH key pair and sets up the overlay file to recognize it:

git clone git@github.com:Densaugeo/alpine-ssh-setup.git
cd alpine-ssh-setup
make build

After this, the ssh-setup.apkovl.tar.gz can be copied to the root of an Alpine Linux SD card. When booted, the Raspberry Pi will run an SSH server that allows root login using the key. Note that password-based SSH login is disabled, because the default root password is blank. The private key can be passed to SSH like this:

ssh -i temporary-root-key root@IP_ADDRESS

You may be able to find the IP address by checking your router's DHCP client lease page (if you have access), or by using network mapping tools like nmap. If this is difficult on your netowrk, you could set a static IP in overlay-content/etc/network/interfaces.

You may wish to remove root access after setting another user up. If so, a script is provided at /root/remove-root-login.sh.

Content of Image

The overlay-content folder is used to build the overlay image. A brief explanation of the files within:

  • etc/apk/world lists built-in Alpine packages that must be loaded to run OpenSSH.
  • etc/network/interfaces contains a very basic wired network setup.
  • etc/runlevels contains a selection of runlevels required by Alpine's init system to start OpenSSH. They are structured in the same way they are when created using setup-alpine.
  • etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/allow_root.conf applies SSH settings to allow root login.
  • root/.ssh/authorized_keys is generated by the build process.
  • root/remove-root-login.sh is a helper for removing root access after another user is set up.
