

This is a model used for money laundering detection on Ethereum based on the model DenseFlow.


In path Code/ change the path.


In path inputData/AML to see the data, stored according to case name, all-normal-addres.csv is the original transaction data.


Run main.ipynb



Symbols and Definitions

Symbols Interpretation
$G$ Downstream transaction network
$V$ Nodes of graph $G$
$E$ Transaction edges of graph $G$, each edge $e=(i,j,a,t)$,sender's account ($i$), the recipient's account ($j$)
$a$ Transaction amount
$t$ Transaction timestamp
$e_{ji}$ Edge frequency from node $j$ to node $i$
$S$ Node subset of graph $G$
$S^*$ Optimal subset
$\alpha_i(S)$ Topological suspiciousness of node $i$ within $S$
$\beta_i(S)$ Temporal suspiciousness of node $i$ within $S$
$\gamma_i(S)$ Monetary suspiciousness of node $i$ within $S$
$\Phi\left[T_i(S)\right]$ Timestamp set of transaction from $S$ to $v_i$
$R$ Rating of transaction suspiciousness
$\omega_i$ Weighted assigned to node $i$ in priority tree
$F$ Accounts within suspicious money laundering flow
$M$ Suspicious money laundering account set
$f_i(S)$ Suspicious function of node $i$ within $S$
$g(S)$ Suspicious function of subset $S$
$(t_o,a_o)$ Awakening point of a surge in transactions calculated by the MultiBurst algorithm
$(t_p,a_p)$ Peak point of a surge in transactions calculated by the MultiBurst algorithm
$\tau(t)$ Timestamp set of the transaction timestamp $t$ within the time slot
$A(\tau)$ Sum of the amounts for all transactions within the timestamp set $\tau$
$\eta_i(S)$ Sum of the numbers for all transactions in set $S$ with $i$
$x_{ij}$ Flow on edge $(i,j)$ in Maximum Flow Algorithm

Empirical evidence on the density issue

Here we provide some empirical evidence on the density issue of money laundering networks from reports of blockchain security companies.

Figure 1. Cylynx: Money Laundering Illustration of UpbitHack Case [1]


[1] Cylynx. 2020. Tracing the Trail of the Upbit Hack.

Figure 2. Peckshield: Money Laundering Illustration of PlusTokenPonzi Case [2][3]


[2] PeckShield Team. 2021. Digital currency anti-money laundering research report: 2020 annual report.

[3] PeckShield Team. PlusToken new bottles of old wine cheat 10 billion OTC into an important access to gold channel.

Figure 3. TRM Lab: Money Laundering Illustration of Pig Butchering Scams [4]


[4] TRM Lab. 2023. Illicit crypto ecosystem report: A comprehensive guide to illicit finance risks in crypto.

Figure 4. Elliptic: Money Laundering Network Illustration of Cryptocurrency Crimes [5]


[5] Elliptic Team. 2023. The state of cross-chain crime.,decentralized%20exchanges%2C%20cross-chain%20bridges%20and%20coin%20swap%20services.