
An EASY and ADVANCED extention to handle TCP/IP Packets [SecurityApi]

Primary LanguageC#

EasySSA Public Source Repository

SilkroadSecurityApi improvement and more features by 'Dentrax'

Ultra simple Silkroad Proxy Library Ever!

Don't repeat yourself every time!

Click here for Guide & Theory

What It Is

How To Use




Copyright & Licensing



What It Is


EasySSA library for VSRO files is an easy and advanced way to create proxy programs.

Uses : .NET Framework v4.6.1 Library

Controls and wizards are available for users to:

  • Detect, block, replace, ignore features to incoming-outgoing packets
  • Analyze server-side or client-side packets with details more details
  • Replace, Inject, Response and Ingore incoming-outgoing packets and accept/deny or disconnect client with one line code only. See here for example.
  • Advanced packet database library. Click here to see PacketDatabase.cs
  • Packet.cs is obsolete! The new SROPacket.cs is overriding now.
  • Not complex, not hard, dont repeat yourself.

EasySSA vs Security API

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How To Use

Example Usage

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Create Server-Side Proxy

	SROServiceComponent gateway = new SROServiceComponent(ServerServiceType, Index);

ServiceComponent Functions

Function Parameter Explanation
SetFingerprint Fingerprint Sets a fingerprint for Security. Uses IdentityID, IdentityFlag, SecurityFlag.
SetLocalEndPoint IPEndPoint Associates a Socket with local endpoint.
SetServiceEndPoint IPEndPoint Associates a Socket with service/module endpoint.
SetMaxClientCount int How many clients can connect the prxoy ?
SetLocalBindTimeout int Sets local bind timeout.
SetServiceBindTimeout int Sets service bind timeout.
SetDebugMode bool Sets debug mode.
DOBind Action<bool, BindErrorType> Initialize component and start listening the server.

ServiceComponent Listeners

Listener Type Explanation
OnLocalSocketStatusChanged Action Trigger if local socket status changed some reason. (readonly)
OnServiceSocketStatusChanged Action<Client, SocketError> Trigger if service socket status changed some reason. (readonly)
OnClientConnected Func<Client, bool> Trigger if a client socket established. To accept or decline a client use return true or return false
OnClientDisconnected Action<Client, ClientDisconnectType> Trigger if a client socket disconnected due to a error or problem. (readonly)
OnPacketReceived Func<Client, SROPacket, PacketSocketType, PacketResult> Trigger if a packet received from a client.

OnPacketReceived Operations

PacketOperationType PacketResult Type PacketResult Parameter Explanation
RESPONSE PacketResult.PacketResponseResultInfo List packet or Packet packet Send packet response list to ServiceContext where the packet comes from.
DISCONNECT PacketResult.PacketDisconnectResultInfo string notice, Enum disconnectReason Send notice to client before disconnect if possible.
REPLACE PacketResult.PacketReplaceResultInfo Packet packet, List replaceWith Replace current packet with replaceWith array if current packet == packet.
INJECT PacketResult.PacketInjectResultInfo Packet packet, List injectWith, bool afterPacket Inject injectWith packets if current packet == packet. Inject after if afterPacket true.
IGNORE Independent Parameterless Ignore current packet. Dont send.
NOTHING Independent Parameterless Nothing

DOBind Error Types

BindErrorType Explanation
SUCCESS Trigger if everything is great and TCP listener socket bind successfull.
COMPONENT_DISPOSED Trigger if SROServiceComponent object disposed.
COMPONENT_FINGERPRINT_NULL Trigger if Fingerprint object is null.
COMPONENT_LOCAL_ENDPOINT_NULL Trigger if local socket's endpoint is null.
COMPONENT_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_NULL Trigger if service socket's endpoint is null.
COMPONENT_LOCAL_BIND_TIMEOUT_NULL_OR_ZERO Trigger if local socket's timeout null or under 1.
COMPONENT_SERVICE_BIND_TIMEOUT_NULL_OR_ZERO Trigger if service socket's timeout null or under 1.
COMPONENT_SERVICE_INDEX_NULL_OR_ZERO Trigger if service index null or under 1.
COMPONENT_SERVICE_CLIENT_COUNT_NULL_OR_ZERO Trigger if max client count null or under 1.
SERVER_BIND_SOCKET_NOT_NULL Trigger if TCP listener socket is not null.
SERVER_BIND_SOCKET_ALREADY_ACTIVE Trigger if TCP listener socket is already listening and not null.
SERVER_BIND_SOCKET_NON_AVAILABLE Trigger if TCP listener socket bind failed or available == 0.
SERVER_BIND_ARGUMENT_NULL_EXCEPTION Trigger if TCP listener catch ArgumentNullException
SERVER_BIND_SOCKET_EXCEPTION Trigger if TCP listener catch SocketException
SERVER_BIND_SECURITY_EXCEPTION Trigger if TCP listener catch SecurityException
SERVER_BIND_OBJECT_DISPOSED_EXCEPTION Trigger if TCP listener catch ObjectDisposedException
UNKNOWN Trigger if a unexcepted error handled.

AccountStatusType Types

AccountStatusType Explanation
ALREADY_LOGGED_ON Trigger if account already logged on status.
LOGIN_SUCCESS Trigger if account login success.
LOGIN_FAILED Trigger if account login failed. Wrong (ID, PW).
BLOCKED Trigger if account login blocked when over captcha or login try.
BANNED Trigger if account login banned from GM.

ClientStatusType Types

ClientStatusType Explanation
STARTED Trigger if sro_client started successfully.
SHUTDOWN Trigger if sro_client closed or crashed some reason.
SWITCH_TO_CLIENT_SUCCESS Trigger if clientless to client switch successfully.
SWITCH_TO_CLIENT_FAILED Trigger if clientless to client switch failed.
SWITCH_TO_CLIENTLESS_SUCCESS Trigger if client to clientless switch successfully.
SWITCH_TO_CLIENTLESS_FAILED Trigger if client to clientless switch failed.
READY Trigger if sro_client fully ready up when the character enters the game.

CaptchaStatusType Types

ClientStatusType Explanation
FETCH Trigger if captcha code fetched successfully.
CORRECT Trigger if captcha code entered correct.
WRONG Trigger if captcha code entered wrong.

CharacterStatusType Types

CharacterStatusType Explanation
NAME_NOT_FOUND Trigger if no character found with name.
SELECT_SUCCESS Trigger if character selected successfully.
SELECT_FAILED Trigger if character select failed.
LOGIN_SUCCESS Trigger if character login success to GameWorld.
LOGIN_FAILED Trigger if character login failed to GameWorld.
SPAWN_SUCCESS Trigger if character spawned and ready up to GameWorld.
SPAWN_FAILED Trigger if character spawn failed.
NO_CHARACTERS_FOUND Trigger if there is no character available. (Count == 0)

Example SROServiceComponent Usage

   SROServiceComponent gateway = new SROServiceComponent(ServerServiceType.GATEWAY, 1)
			.SetFingerprint(new Fingerprint("SR_Client", 0, SecurityFlags.Handshake & SecurityFlags.Blowfish & SecurityFlags.SecurityBytes, ""))
			.SetLocalEndPoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 15779))
			.SetServiceEndPoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 15779))

    gateway.OnLocalSocketStatusChanged += new Action<SocketError>(delegate (SocketError error) {

        if (error == SocketError.Success) {
            Console.WriteLine("LOCAL socket bind SUCCESS! : " + gateway.LocalEndPoint.ToString());
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine("LOCAL socket bind FAILED!  : " + error);


    gateway.OnServiceSocketStatusChanged += new Action<Client, SocketError>(delegate (Client client, SocketError error) {

        if (error == SocketError.Success) {
            Console.WriteLine("SERVICE socket connect SUCCESS! : " + gateway.ServiceEndPoint.ToString());
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine("SERVICE socket connect FAILED!  : " + error);


    gateway.OnClientConnected += new Func<Client, bool>(delegate (Client client) {

        Console.WriteLine("New client connected : " + client.Socket.RemoteEndPoint);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.IPAddress)) { //Example
            return false; //Decline client
        } else {
            return true; //Accept client


    gateway.OnClientDisconnected += new Action<Client, ClientDisconnectType>(delegate (Client client, ClientDisconnectType disconnectType) {

        Console.WriteLine("Client disconnected : " + client.IPAddress + " -- Reason : " + disconnectType);


    gateway.OnPacketReceived += new Func<Client, SROPacket, PacketSocketType, PacketResult>(delegate (Client client, SROPacket packet, PacketSocketType socketType) {

        switch (packet.Opcode) {
            case 0x1111:
                return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.DISCONNECT, new PacketResult.PacketDisconnectResultInfo("DC Reason : 0x5555 received"));

            case 0x2222:
                return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.IGNORE);

            case 0x3333:
                return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.INJECT, new PacketResult.PacketInjectResultInfo(packet, new List<Packet> { new Packet(0x3334), new Packet(0x3335) }, true));

            case 0x4444:
                return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.REPLACE, new PacketResult.PacketReplaceResultInfo(packet, new List<Packet> { new Packet(0x4445) }));

            case 0x5555:
                return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.RESPONSE, new PacketResult.PacketResponseResultInfo(new Packet(0x5556)));

                return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.NOTHING);


    gateway.DOBind(delegate (bool success, BindErrorType error) {

        if (success) {
            Console.WriteLine("EasySSA bind SUCCESS");
        } else {
            Console.WriteLine("EasySSA bind FAILED -- Reason : " + error);


Example SROClientComponent Usage

   SROClientComponent clientComponent = new SROClientComponent(1)
			.SetFingerprint(new Fingerprint("SR_Client", 0, SecurityFlags.Handshake & SecurityFlags.Blowfish & SecurityFlags.SecurityBytes, string.Empty))
            .SetAccount(new Account("furkan", "1"), "Dentrax")
            .SetClientPath("D:\\vSRO\\vSRO Client")
            .SetLocalAgentEndPoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 25880))
            .SetLocalGatewayEndPoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 25779))
            .SetServiceEndPoint(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 15779))

	clientComponent.OnClientStatusChanged += new Action<SROClient, ClientStatusType>(delegate (SROClient client, ClientStatusType status) {


	clientComponent.OnAccountStatusChanged += new Action<SROClient, AccountStatusType>(delegate (SROClient client, AccountStatusType status) {


	clientComponent.OnCaptchaStatusChanged += new Action<SROClient, CaptchaStatusType>(delegate (SROClient client, CaptchaStatusType status) {


	clientComponent.OnCharacterStatusChanged += new Action<SROClient, CharacterStatusType>(delegate (SROClient client, CharacterStatusType status) {


	clientComponent.OnLocalSocketStatusChanged += new Action<SocketError>(delegate (SocketError error) {
		if (error == SocketError.Success) {
			Console.WriteLine("LOCAL socket bind SUCCESS! : " + clientComponent.LocalGatewayEndPoint.ToString());
		} else {
			Console.WriteLine("LOCAL socket bind FAILED!  : " + error);

	clientComponent.OnServiceSocketStatusChanged += new Action<SROClient, SocketError>(delegate (SROClient client, SocketError error) {
		if (error == SocketError.Success) {
			Console.WriteLine("SERVICE socket connect SUCCESS! : " + clientComponent.ServiceEndPoint.ToString());
		} else {
			Console.WriteLine("SERVICE socket connect FAILED!  : " + error);

	clientComponent.OnSocketConnected += new Action<SROClient, bool>(delegate (SROClient client, bool connected) {
		Console.WriteLine("New client connected : " + client.Socket.RemoteEndPoint);

	clientComponent.OnSocketDisconnected += new Action<SROClient, ClientDisconnectType>(delegate (SROClient client, ClientDisconnectType disconnectType) {
		Console.WriteLine("Client disconnected : " + client.IPAddress + " -- Reason : " + disconnectType);

	clientComponent.OnPacketReceived += new Func<SROClient, SROPacket, PacketSocketType, PacketResult>(delegate (SROClient client, SROPacket packet, PacketSocketType socketType) {
		return new PacketResult(PacketOperationType.NOTHING);

	clientComponent.DOBind(delegate (bool success, BindErrorType error) {
		if (success) {
			Console.WriteLine("EasySSA bind SUCCESS");
		} else {
			Console.WriteLine("EasySSA bind FAILED -- Reason : " + error);


EasySSA was created to serve three purposes:

EasySSA is a server-client proxy tool which logs all SilkroadOnline packet traffic between your server and the client with SilkroadSecurityApi

  1. To act as a library to create simplest security for VSRO server files.

  2. To provide a simplest way to create any feature, what you think.

  3. Instead of writing long and complex code every time, it provides the easiest and strongest way.


Project Manager - Furkan Türkal (GitHub: dentrax)


We publish source for the [EasySSA] in three rolling branches:

We publish source for the engine in three rolling branches:

The release branch is extensively tested by our QA team and makes a great starting point for learning the EasySSA.

The promoted branch is updated with builds for our team members to use. It's a good balance between getting the latest cool stuff and knowing most things work.

The master branch tracks live changes by our EasySSA team. This is the cutting edge and may be buggy - it may not even compile.

Other short-lived branches may pop-up from time to time as we stabilize new releases or hotfixes.

Copyright & Licensing

The base project code is copyrighted by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal and is covered by single licence.

All program code (i.e. C#, Java) is licensed under MIT unless otherwise specified. Please see the LICENSE.md file for more information.


It was developed and made by Drew 'pushedx' Benton. For more information, please click here


Please check the CONTRIBUTING.md file for contribution instructions and naming guidelines.


EasySSA was created by Furkan 'Dentrax' Türkal

You can contact EasySSA by URL: CONTACT

Best Regards