
Add superscripts for Greek letters

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Please read the formatting guidelines explained in #5 to contribute!

When submitting, you may choose to leave some symbols for others to contribute.

Before submitting a PR check:

  • There are no active pull requests for the symbol you are submitting
  • You have proper tabs between characters as explained in #5 (you can copy paste tab symbol from other lines)

Symbols to add

These are the only remaining Greek letters supporting superscript as far as I know:

^Phi	ᶲ	

Added already (#56, #59, #60):

^alpha	ᵅ	
^beta	ᵝ	
^chi	ᵡ	
^delta	ᵟ	
^gamma	ᵞ	
^iota	ᶥ	
^phi	ᵠ	
^theta	ᶿ	
^epsilon	ᵋ	

Hi @DenverCoder1, I'd like to work on this issue. Could you please assign it to me?

@yash2002109 You've made a couple contributions today, maybe it would be best to allow others to make their first contributions as well?

Yes, I agree with you. We can let someone else handle the issue!

Hi @DenverCoder1, I am interested in working on this issue. Could you please assign it to me?

@eshaanagarwal That would be great 👍 Feel free to open a PR, you may decide to add one or more of them. Preferably leaving some for others to contribute :)