
A configureable build of SUSE/Portus for production used and rancher catalogs

Primary LanguageShell


This should offer a specific "stable" build of SUSE/portus for docker use. Source will not be modified or hacked and is cloned directly from SUSE/portus during the build, so releases never getting delayed due to merge issues.

Docker images are published to hub.docker.io



The registry is configured using ENV variables, even if not officially documented ( only config.yml is documents ) it is supported, see we can use environment variables to configure registry, see https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/configuration/configuration.go#L13

Changes to SUSE/ports

  • adding a new rake task to pre-install a registry, should be removed when SUSE/Portus#1036 is finished
  • adding a startup script for docker


For now, only planed to be published on hub.docker.io


Checkout the repo, enter run

cd ./test 

You need to add portus.dev and registry.dev to your /etc/hosts file and point it to your docker or docker-machine ip ( as usual )

Its just a docker-compose wrapper to deal with timing during startup without "really" caring about it. A docker-compose file with pre-defined configuration values is used and when done, you can access your portus / registry by


You can login with docker

docker login registry.dev


cd make
make build