
Advanced microFramework

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


What's Advanced?

Advanced Micro Framework - Create more by doing less

Advanced Micro Framework is a PHP Object Oriented framework that make your life easier, advanced provides you a whole bunch of functionalities that you will not have the need of write a lot of code. It is already predefined so you only have to create your project and use the internal libraries of Advanced such as the authentications (login/register), In-code routing by controllers, SQL automatization (generate queries and execute them in a safe way with just PHP code), and more.

Get started with Advanced and see what else it can provide you.

Get started


Sample projects



Click here to go to the documentation



mkdir new-folder

cd new-folder

composer create-project denzelcode/advanced .

cd project/public

php -S localhost:8000

THIS IS IMPORTANT If Advanced file system is not working properly remember to add writing and reading permissions to the directory where you want to install the framework!

Linux/Mac OS (Unix):

sudo chmod -R 777 new-folder


CACLS new-folder /e /p Everyone:R
CACLS new-folder /e /p Everyone:W


  • PHP 7.2.0
  • Apache Server

Xampp Windows | Linux | OS X, IIS or Hosting

Postdata: To use IIS you are required to set the /project/public path as the root directory.


  • Denzel Code (Advanced main developer)
  • Soull Darknezz
  • mamazu

Licensing information

This project is licensed under LGPL-3.0. Please see the LICENSE file for details.



Anyone who wants to contribute to the project can do it, this is an independent project that plans to become a community.