💸 Week08 Bootcamp2019a Project: Node Coin Flip Game

Goal: Create a simple web application that uses the fs and http modules. Use http to create the server and fs to read your html file. Include vanilla ES6 js in a script tag at the bottom of your html file. Try creating a coin flip guessing game

How to submit your code for review:

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Create a new branch called answer
  • Checkout answer branch
  • Push to your fork
  • Issue a pull request
  • Your pull request description should contain the following:
    • (1 to 5 no 3) I completed the challenge
    • (1 to 5 no 3) I feel good about my code
    • Anything specific on which you want feedback!


I completed the challenge: 5
I feel good about my code: 4
I'm not sure if my constructors are setup cleanly...