Sample Hardhat Project


git clone
cd avalanche-hardhat-project
npm install

make a .env file


hardhat commands

npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat ignition deploy ./ignition/modules/Lock.js

npx hardhat test test/AlphaOne.js
npx hardhat test test/BetaTwo.js
npx hardhat test test/Migration.js
npx hardhat test test/Staking.js

test locally in a seperate terminal run npx hardhat node

npx hardhat run scripts/deployTokens.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/migrationLocalTest.js --network localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/deployStaking.js --network localhost

for useStaking.js update the addresses accordingly in the file after running deployStaking.js

npx hardhat run scripts/useStaking.js --network localhost

run api server

node server.js