
Work from Compiler Optimization course

Primary LanguageC

Compiler Final Hand-in

This is my final hand-in for compiler optimization. Below is a detailed analysis of the performance of my compiler and what cases my optimizations work under.


Below is the output of my profiling script. This can be run with ./build-all.sh profile "$CFLAGS". There are two different tables because the cheating optimization removes so many instructions, the other optimizations are unable to do anything.

Without Cheating Enabled (i.e. -p -t -i)

program before after nops after real after pct gone
blank 65 40 3 37 43.08
block 65 40 3 37 43.08
call 83 59 6 53 36.14
fact_rec 12320 80 12 68 99.45
fact_tr 13535 9925 2694 7231 46.58
fib_rec 59906869 811 180 631 100.00
fib_tr 1455 1127 255 872 40.07
for_test 1224 1224 252 972 0.00
hello 36 22 0 22 38.89
hi 28 19 0 19 32.14
inline 1023 663 141 522 48.97
rec 208 95 12 83 60.10
RegisterSetup 77 51 0 51 33.77
ret 39 31 0 31 20.51
sample 73 43 3 40 45.21
selsort 4734 2697 546 2151 54.56
tailcall 304057 160042 48003 112039 63.15
while_in_while 2403 2249 711 1538 6.41
while 406 323 90 233 19.85

With Cheating Enabled (i.e. -p -t -i -c)

program before after nops after real after pct gone
blank 65 3 0 3 95.38
block 65 3 0 3 95.38
call 83 3 0 3 96.39
fact_rec 12320 3 0 3 99.98
fact_tr 13535 3 0 3 99.98
fib_rec 59906869 3 0 3 100.00
fib_tr 1455 3 0 3 99.79
for_test 1224 51 0 51 95.83
hello 36 3 0 3 91.67
hi 28 3 0 3 89.29
inline 1023 5 0 5 99.51
rec 208 5 0 5 97.60
RegisterSetup 77 3 0 3 96.10
ret 39 3 0 3 92.31
sample 73 3 0 3 95.89
selsort 4734 5 0 5 99.89
tailcall 304057 3 0 3 100.00
while_in_while 2403 29 0 29 98.80
while 406 15 0 15 96.31

Enabling Optimizations

To enable each of the optimizations add the flag separated by a space. For example, if you want to enable all optimizations write

./compiler/cm -p -c -t -i <$FILE.cm >$FILE.tm

-p Peephole Optimization

Looks at the instruction output and attempts to find combinations of instructions that can be simplified. My optimizer only replaces the instructions with NOPs. Every instance listed below is identified and optimized inside ./compiler/peephole.c. To enable peepholing, add -p to the compiler flags.

The peephole patterns I identified and optimized were:

  1. Load and immediately store the same register.
  2. Store then immediately load the same register.
  3. Store the same register twice.
  4. Load the same register twice.
  5. Add then immediately subtract one of the two numbers added.
  6. Subtract then immediately add the number subtracted.
  7. Multiply then immediately divide one of the numbers multiplied.
  8. Divide then immediately multiply the divisor.

The redundant PUSH/POP combinations optimized were:

  1. Pushing a register to the stack, not modifying it, and then popping into the same register.
  2. Pushing a register to the stack and popping it into a different register only if that register isn't modified over the duration that the original variable is on the stack.

-i Inlining Optimizations

Inlining is taking a funciton call and pasting the actual function code in its place. Below is a list of reasons to not inline a function, this means any function without any of these critera is going to be inlined.
This also means that there is a system in the compiler to resolve function locals that are inside inlined portions of code. To enable inline, add -i to the compiler flags.

Reasons to not inline function:

  1. Function is named main
  2. Return statements not at the very end of execution (i.e. inside an if)

Reasons to not inline a call:

  1. Call is in the expression of an if statement.
  2. Call is in the expression of a while loop.
  3. Call is inside the initializer or expression of a for-loop.
  4. Call is in an arithmetic expression.
  5. Call is inside arguments for another call.

-t Tree-based Optimizations

There are two different tree-based optimizations: constant folding and the tail call optimization. They are both turned on with the -t flag.

Constant Folding

Constant folding works on three cases below. These cases bubble out, allowing for complex expressions like 3 * 4 - 5 * 9 to be simplified.

Constant folding cases:

  1. Adding / subtracting two constants together.
  2. Multiplying / dividing two constants together. *
  3. Parenthesis around constant expressions. *

Tail Call Optimization

Executes a called function in the current scope, clobbering all locals. Only the first of the cases is actually optimized but all three cases are profiled.

Tail Call Cases:

  1. Simple: Call in a return statement (i.e. return call())
  2. Inline: Math expressions on the same line as (i.e. return call() * 3).
  3. Arithmetic: More complicated combinations on same line (i.e. return call() * call()).

-c Cheating Optimizations

The cheating optimization compiles the program once, runs it to check for any output result, and then emits OUT instructions that emulate the result. This drastically reduces the number of instructions run but can be considered cheating since the "slower" program is run during compilation. The only case when this optimization doesn't work is if input() is called. Since this takes user input, the output will be unknown at compile time. To run this properly, you must run the compiler in the root directory of the project and not in the compiler/ folder.

Etc. Features

Here is a small list of extra features / optimizations that I added or started optimizing.

Register Allocator

I started implementing a graph-based register allocator (see this pdf) but never had time to finish it. It is present in the regalloc branch in the project repository. As part of this optimization, I wrote a graph library, and dataflow analyzer. I got all the way up to debugging the dataflow analyzer.


I also added a for-loop into the compiler. It behaves like the C89 standard. There is a handout program with an example.

While loop optimization

Added the flowchart optimization for the while loop as part of an activity. It is hard-coded to be enabled always.

Floating point

There is also optional floating point support enabled with the -f flag. Note: optimizaitons no longer work when floating point is enabled, the compiler is broken when any are turned on with floating point support.