
A old MVC like project written in PHP from when I was learning programming

Primary LanguagePHP


This project is mostly for fun, i will be developing a MVC-framework for maintaining a website for myself. But you are welcome to use the framework to, as long as you follow the licensing rules.


Do whatever you want but I want my name and a link to my github staying there, and it should be stated if the distributed version is modified by any means.

Edwin Wallin.
Github: https://github.com/Dequilla
Website: http://dequilla.com or http://edwinwallin.com
Email: edwin.wallin@dequilla.com

Pontus Nilsson.
Github: https://github.com/tazthemaniac
Website: http://pontusnilsson.com or http://tazthemaniac.com
Email: pontus_nilsson_92@hotmail.com


Requires a PHP enabled server (only tested on PHP7 and nginx server)
Clone or download the project and set your servers webroot to webdeqs public folder (or symlink to it) and it should work. Download

Apache - Nginx

If you are using Apache there is a htaccess file included, however if you are using nginx you will need this in your sites file:

# nginx configuration
location / {
  if (!-e $request_filename){
    rewrite ^/([0-9a-zA-Z\/\.\-]+) /index.php;



In saved/page/pages/routes.php you can set your urls, example: '/home' => 'home.php'.
The files you reference to (in this case, home.php) in your urls, shuld be located in (or in a subdirectory of) the saved/page/pages directory.


The saved/page/pages directory contain the files you reference to in your routes.php file. they contain the code that the web browser will read. These files can also contain links to template files.


Templates are stored in the saved/page/templates directory, they are files that can be included in your pages.


In the file saved/page/pages/index.php you can include the files saved/page/templates/header.php and saved/page/templates/footer.php by typing <+header(); and <+footer(); without the .php extention. (Do not forget the <+ note the (); or it wont work )

File: saved/page/pages/index.php

  <h1>Some text</h1>

File: saved/page/templates/header.php

  <title>Page Title</header>

File: saved/page/templates/footer.php


Generated file (the file loaded by the browser): saved/page/generated/index.php

  <title>Page Title</header>
  <h1>Some text</h1>


Logging currently takes care of itself, to logg something in your own code use require_once('../http/utility/logger.php'); and use one of two functions: deq_log_message or deq_log_error with error string as parameter, it automaticly saves the request IP and what time and date it logged on. The logs are available in saved/logs.


There are currently a few settings available in http/settings/settings.php.

CACHING_ENABLED: Sets wether to always generate new pages or if it saves generated pages (Take note that if you set this to true it wont currently know wether you have to regenerate the page after changes so you'll have to manually delete the old page if you update it) .

LOGGING_ENABLED: Set to true to log, false to not log.

LOG_DIR: The directory which the logger saves the logs to.

DEFAULT_TIMEZONE: Sets what timezone you want the system to operate from.