gtd layer
Table of Contents
This spacemacs layer is based on the web document ”Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text!” by Bernt Hansen. AFAIK, his document is the most comprehensive tutorial you could find on the Internet. It is very helpful for those who want to learn org-mode for GTD.
The original document is also included, though some settings here may be different from the documented version. I modified it a bit to make it fit in with the Spacemacs layer frame.
IMPORTANT You’d better put this layer behind org layer, otherwise it will increase launch time significantly. I haven’t figured out why. Any help will be appreciated.
First, clone from GitHub:
cd ~/.emacs.d/private
git clone gtd
To use this contribution add it to your ~/.spacemacs
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(gtd))
Key bindings
Key Binding | Description | Used |
F12 | Agenda (1 key less than C-c a) | Very Often |
C-c b | Switch to org file | Very Often |
S-F11 | Goto currently clocked item | Very Often |
C-c c | Capture a task | Very Often |
C-F11 | Clock in a task (show menu with prefix) | Often |
f9 g | Gnus - I check mail regularly | Often |
f5 | Show todo items for this subtree | Often |
S-f5 | Widen | Often |
f9 b | Quick access to bbdb data | Often |
f9 c | Calendar access | Often |
C-S-f12 | Save buffers and publish current project | Often |
C-c l | Store a link for retrieval with C-c C-l | Often |
f8 | Go to next org file in org-agenda-files | Sometimes |
f9 r | Boxquote selected region | Sometimes |
f9 t | Insert inactive timestamp | Sometimes |
f9 v | Toggle visible mode (for showing/editing links) | Sometimes |
C-f9 | Previous buffer | Sometimes |
C-f10 | Next buffer | Sometimes |
C-x n r | Narrow to region | Sometimes |
f9 f | Boxquote insert a file | Sometimes |
f9 i | Info manual | Sometimes |
f9 I | Punch Clock In | Sometimes |
f9 O | Punch Clock Out | Sometimes |
f9 o | Switch to org scratch buffer | Sometimes |
f9 s | Switch to scratch buffer | Sometimes |
f9 S | Save all org buffers | Rare |
f9 h | Hide other tasks | Rare |
f10 | Toggle line truncation/wrap | Rare |
f9 T | Toggle insert inactive timestamp | Rare |
C-c a | Enter Agenda (minimal emacs testing) | Rare |