
A feature-rich World Editor for PocketMine-MP

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Feature-rich WorldEditor for PocketMine-MP

Note: please don't complain about slow chunk updates, this is caused by a minecraft bug present since 1.17 #BlameMojang


  • async editing prevents server lag
  • large variety of commands
  • selection splitting reduces effect of editing
  • support for unique Patterns
  • selection axe & brushes
  • undo & redo your actions
  • tile support


<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument

Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//pos1 [x] [y] [z] Set the first Position easyedit.position //1
left click a block in creative with a wooden axe
//pos2 [x] [y] [z] Set the first Position easyedit.position //2
break a block in creative with a wooden axe
//set <pattern> Set the selected Area easyedit.command.set
//replace <block> <pattern> Replace the selected Area easyedit.command.set
//naturalize [pattern] [pattern] [pattern] Naturalize the selected Area easyedit.command.set
//smooth Smooth the selected Area easyedit.command.set
//brush sphere [radius] [pattern]
//brush smooth [radius]
//brush naturalize [radius] [topBlock] [middleBlock] [bottomBlock]
//brush cylinder [radius] [height] [pattern]
Create a new Brush easyedit.command.brush //br
//undo <count> Revert your latest change easyedit.command.undo
//redo <count> Revert your latest undo easyedit.command.redo
//copy Copy the selected Area easyedit.command.copy
//paste Paste the Clipboard easyedit.command.paste
//insert Insert the Clipboard easyedit.command.paste Paste only into air blocks
//center [block] Set the center Blocks (1-8) easyedit.command.set //middle
//walls [pattern] Set walls of the selected area easyedit.command.set //wall
//sides [pattern] Set sides of the selected area easyedit.command.set //side
//move Move the selected area easyedit.command.paste Look into the direction you want the selected blocks to move into
//stack Stack the selected area easyedit.command.paste Look into the direction you want the selected blocks to stack into
//extend [count|vertical] Extend the selected Area easyedit.position //expand
Look into the direction you want to extend to
//sphere <radius> <pattern> Set a sphere easyedit.command.set //sph
//hsphere <radius> <pattern> [thickness] Set a hollow sphere easyedit.command.set //hsph //hollowsphere
//cylinder <radius> <height> <pattern> Set a cylinder easyedit.command.set //cy
//hcylinder <radius> <height> <pattern> [thickness] Set a hollow cylinder easyedit.command.set //hcy //hollowcylinder
//count [radius] Count selected blocks easyedit.command.count
//status Check on the EditThread easyedit.command.thread
//cancel Cancel the current task easyedit.command.thread


Patterns allow the creation of complex editing rules.

Usage of Patterns: #patternName;arg1;arg2...(block1,block2...)

Block Patterns

Block Patterns are just blocks, they just consist out of the name of the block or its numeric ID


  • stone
  • 4
  • command_block
  • stone:1

Random Pattern

The Random Pattern as it name suggests selects a random Pattern



It can also be used with Logic Patterns, note that it only selects once, if the pattern is not valid nothing is changed

It also works nested:


Logic Patterns

These Patterns allow control over the usage of Blocks

If one Pattern is not valid, the next one is being used (separated by a comma)



-> stone and blocks next to stone get replaced with dirt/grass, otherwise nothing happens

They can also be nested:


-> stone blocks which also have dirt blocks next to them get replaced with grass, other stone blocks stay as they are, non-stone blocks are set to air

<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument
patterns - children patterns, can be separated by a comma

Pattern Description
#block;<block>(patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is the same as the specified block (like in //replace)
#above;<block>(patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is above the specified block
#around;<block>(patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is next to the specified block
#below;<block>(patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is below the specified block
#not(condition(patterns)) Executes Patterns of next Pattern is false (only works when nested)
#odd;[x];[y];[z](patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is at odd coordinates at x, y and z Axis, the x, y and z can be left out (only given ones will be checked)
#even;[x];[y];[z](patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is at even coordinates (see odd for more info)
#divisible;<number>;[x];[y];[z](patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is at coordinates which are divisible by the given number (see odd for more info)
#walls(patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is one of the walls of the selections
#sides(patterns) Executes Patterns if the block is one of the sides of the selections (walls + bottom and top)

Functional Patterns

These Patterns have an own use

<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument
patterns - children patterns, can be separated by a comma

Pattern Description
#smooth makes your terrain smoother
#naturalize([pattern],[pattern],[pattern]) makes your selection more natural (1 layer pattern1, 3 layers pattern2, pattern3)