
Relative positioning by pins, especially useful for making slides in typst.

Primary LanguageTypstMIT LicenseMIT


Relative positioning by pins, especially useful for making slides in typst.


Pin things as you like

Have a look at the source here.


Dynamic Slides

Pinit works with Touying or Polylux animations.

Have a look at the pdf file here.

Example Pages



The idea of pinit is pinning pins on the normal flow of the text, and then placing the content on the page by absolute-place function.

For example, we can highlight text and add a tip by pins simply:

#import "@preview/pinit:0.1.4": *

#set text(size: 24pt)

A simple #pin(1)highlighted text#pin(2).

#pinit-highlight(1, 2)

#pinit-point-from(2)[It is simple.]


A more complex example, Have a look at the source here.


Pinit for raw

In the code block, we need to use a regex trick to get pinit to work, for example

#show raw: it => {
  show regex("pin\d"): it => pin(eval(it.text.slice(3)))

`print(pin1"hello, world"pin2)`

#pinit-highlight(1, 2)


Note that typst's code highlighting breaks up the text, causing overly complex regular expressions such as '#pin(.*?)' to not work properly.

However, you may want to consider putting it in a comment to avoid highlighting the text and breaking it up.

Warning: You should add a blank line before the #pinit-xxx function call, otherwise it will cause misalignment.




Pinning a pin in text, the pin is supposed to be unique in one page.

#let pin(name) = { .. }


  • name: [integer or string or any] — Name of pin, which can be any types with unique repr() return value, such as integer and string.


Query positions of pins in the same page, then call the callback function func.

#let pinit(pins, func) = { .. }


  • pins: [pin or array] — Names of pins you want to query. It is supposed to be a pin, or an array of pins.
  • func: [(positions) => { .. }] — A callback function accepting an array of positions (or a single position) as a parameter. Each position is a dictionary like (page: 1, x: 319.97pt, y: 86.66pt). You can use the absolute-place function in this callback function to display something around the pins.


Place content at a specific location on the page relative to the top left corner of the page, regardless of margins, current containers, etc.

This function comes from typst-drafting.

#let absolute-place(
  dx: 0em,
  dy: 0em,
) = { .. }


  • dx: [length] — Length in the x-axis relative to the left edge of the page.
  • dy: [length] — Length in the y-axis relative to the top edge of the page.
  • content: [content] — The content you want to place.


Place content at a specific location on the page relative to the pin.

#let pinit-place(
  dx: 0pt,
  dy: 0pt,
) = { .. }


  • dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the pin.
  • dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
  • pin-name: [pin] — Name of the pin to which you want to locate.
  • body: [content] — The content you want to place.


Draw a rectangular shape on the page containing all pins with optional extended width and height.

#let pinit-rect(
  dx: 0em,
  dy: -1em,
  extended-width: 0em,
  extended-height: 1.4em,
  pin3,  // Optional
) = { .. }


  • dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the min-left of pins.
  • dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the min-top of pins.
  • extended-width: [length] — Optional extended width of the rectangular shape.
  • extended-height: [length] — Optional extended height of the rectangular shape.
  • pin1: [pin] — One of these pins.
  • pin2: [pin] — One of these pins.
  • pin3: [pin] — One of these pins, optionally.
  • ...args: Additional named arguments or settings for rect, like fill, stroke and radius.


Highlight a specific area on the page with a filled color and optional radius and stroke. It is just a simply styled pinit-rect.

#let pinit-highlight(
  fill: rgb(255, 0, 0, 20),
  radius: 5pt,
  stroke: 0pt,
  dx: 0em,
  dy: -1em,
  extended-width: 0em,
  extended-height: 1.4em,
  pin3,  // Optional
) = { .. }


  • fill: [color] — The fill color for the highlighted area.
  • radius: [length] — Optional radius for the highlight.
  • stroke: [stroke] — Optional stroke width for the highlight.
  • dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the min-left of pins.
  • dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the min-top of pins.
  • extended-width: [length] — Optional extended width of the rectangular shape.
  • extended-height: [length] — Optional extended height of the rectangular shape.
  • pin1: [pin] — One of these pins.
  • pin2: [pin] — One of these pins.
  • pin3: [pin] — One of these pins, optionally.
  • ...args: Additional arguments or settings for pinit-rect.


Draw a line on the page between two specified pins with an optional stroke.

#let pinit-line(
  stroke: 1pt,
  start-dx: 0pt,
  start-dy: 0pt,
  end-dx: 0pt,
  end-dy: 0pt,
) = { ... }


  • stroke: [stroke] — The stroke for the line.
  • start-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the start pin.
  • start-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the start pin.
  • end-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the end pin.
  • end-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the end pin.
  • start: [pin] — The start pin.
  • end: [pin] — The end pin.


Draw an line from a specified pin to a point on the page with optional settings.

#let pinit-line-to(
  stroke: 1pt,
  pin-dx: 5pt,
  pin-dy: 5pt,
  body-dx: 5pt,
  body-dy: 5pt,
  offset-dx: 35pt,
  offset-dy: 35pt,
) = { ... }


  • stroke: [stroke] — The stroke for the line.
  • pin-dx: [length] — Offset X of arrow start relative to the pin.
  • pin-dy: [length] — Offset Y of arrow start relative to the pin.
  • body-dx: [length] — Offset X of arrow end relative to the body.
  • body-dy: [length] — Offset Y of arrow end relative to the body.
  • offset-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the pin.
  • offset-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
  • pin-name: [pin] — The name of the pin to start from.
  • body: [content] — The content to draw the arrow to.


Draw an arrow between two specified pins with optional settings.

#let pinit-arrow(
  start-dx: 0pt,
  start-dy: 0pt,
  end-dx: 0pt,
  end-dy: 0pt,
) = { ... }


  • start-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the start pin.
  • start-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the start pin.
  • end-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the end pin.
  • end-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the end pin.
  • start: [pin] — The start pin.
  • end: [pin] — The end pin.
  • ...args: Additional arguments or settings for simple-arrow, like fill, stroke and thickness.


Draw an arrow from a specified pin to a point on the page with optional settings.

#let pinit-point-to(
  pin-dx: 5pt,
  pin-dy: 5pt,
  body-dx: 5pt,
  body-dy: 5pt,
  offset-dx: 35pt,
  offset-dy: 35pt,
) = { ... }


  • pin-dx: [length] — Offset X of arrow start relative to the pin.
  • pin-dy: [length] — Offset Y of arrow start relative to the pin.
  • body-dx: [length] — Offset X of arrow end relative to the body.
  • body-dy: [length] — Offset Y of arrow end relative to the body.
  • offset-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the pin.
  • offset-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
  • pin-name: [pin] — The name of the pin to start from.
  • body: [content] — The content to draw the arrow to.
  • ...args: Additional arguments or settings for simple-arrow, like fill, stroke and thickness.


Draw an arrow from a point on the page to a specified pin with optional settings.

#let pinit-point-from(
  pin-dx: 5pt,
  pin-dy: 5pt,
  body-dx: 5pt,
  body-dy: 5pt,
  offset-dx: 35pt,
  offset-dy: 35pt,
) = { ... }


  • pin-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the pin.
  • pin-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the pin.
  • body-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the body.
  • body-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the body.
  • offset-dx: [length] — Offset X relative to the left edge of the page.
  • offset-dy: [length] — Offset Y relative to the top edge of the page.
  • pin-name: [pin] — The name of the pin that the arrow to.
  • body: [content] — The content to draw the arrow from.
  • ...args: Additional arguments or settings for simple-arrow, like fill, stroke and thickness.


Draw a simple arrow on the page with optional settings, implemented by polygon.

#let simple-arrow(
  fill: black,
  stroke: 0pt,
  start: (0pt, 0pt),
  end: (30pt, 0pt),
  thickness: 2pt,
  arrow-width: 4,
  arrow-height: 4,
  inset: 0.5,
  tail: (),
) = { ... }


  • fill: [color] — The fill color for the arrow.
  • stroke: [stroke] — The stroke for the arrow.
  • start: [point] — The starting point of the arrow.
  • end: [point] — The ending point of the arrow.
  • thickness: [length] — The thickness of the arrow.
  • arrow-width: [integer or float] — The width of the arrowhead relative to thickness.
  • arrow-height: [integer or float] — The height of the arrowhead relative to thickness.
  • inset: [integer or float] — The inset value for the arrowhead relative to thickness.
  • tail: [array] — The tail settings for the arrow.


  • Some of the inspirations and codes comes from typst-drafting.
  • Thanks to polylux, you can create beautiful and dynamic slides by polylux simply.
  • The concise and aesthetic example slide style come from course Data Structures and Algorithms of Chaodong ZHENG.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.