
[Abandoned] Yet Another Node Image Upload Server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Yanius Version

Yet Another Node Image Upload Server

(The name is actually a lie. You can upload every file type.)




git clone https://github.com/DerEnderKeks/Yanius.git
cd Yanius
sudo apt-get install build-essential
npm install
cp config/default.json.example config/default.json

Make a PR if you know how to install this on other systems


As long the Major part of the version number (Major.Minor.Patch) didn't change, you can update using git pull. Otherwise you also have to execute the appropriate migration scripts. You can find them in /scripts/migration/.

If it doesn't start after an update do rm -rf node_modules && npm i before asking for help.


To update from 0.x.x to 1.x.x you have to:

  • execute node ./scripts/migration/0_x_x-to-1_x_x.js
  • pray to a god of your choice


Edit config/default.json. You have to insert your rethinkdb connection data there. Also, you can set the url of your Yanius instance there.

If you want to use secure cookies you have to use a proxy server like nginx. You also have to insert proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; into your nginx proxy configuration to use secure cookies.



npm start

With Debug Output

DEBUG="yanius:*" node --harmony ./bin/www

Development Mode

DEBUG="yanius:*" NODE_ENV="development" node --harmony ./bin/www

WARNING: Don't use this in production. Seriously. This mode shows stacktraces to the user.

How To Upload Files


You could use a custom script/program to upload files. You can use mine if you want.


You can use ShareX.

In ShareX

  • go to Destinations -> Destination settings... -> Custom uploaders
  • click on Import -> From URL...
  • insert http://goo.gl/D1BX26
  • click Ok
  • adjust Request URL and Arguments -> apikey
  • click Update on the left side of the window
  • close that window
  • select Custom [Image, File, Text] Uploader in Destinations -> [Image, File, Text] uploader

If you want to make your own script/program to upload files make sure it does the following:

  • POST request to /api/upload
  • Form field apikey is set to your API Key (Get it from /dashboard/account)
  • Form field file is set to the file you want to upload
  • (Optional) Form field hidden is set to true or false (if a file is hidden nobody can download it)

The server responds as JSON.

If the upload was successful:

    "message": "File uploaded",
    "url": "your.domain/<shortname>"


    "message": "<error message>"
