
DPS PxPay payment module

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


DPS PxPay PAYMENT MODULE FOR zen-cart 1.3.x, 1.5.x
Copyright (c) 2007-2013 mixedmatter Ltd

This DPS PxPay payment module is released under the terms of the General Public
License. Please see the license.txt file for more details.

1. Overview
This is a zen-cart 1.3.x payment module to use with the DPS PxPay payment
See: http://www.paymentexpress.com/technical_resources/ecommerce_hosted/pxpay.html
for more details.

2. Requirements
* A PxPay account with DPS - http://www.paymentexpress.com/
* CURL support for PHP

3. Installation Instructions
3.1 To install this module, copy all files of the zen-cart folder into the root
folder of your zen-cart installation keeping the given directory structure.

3.2 Execute the SQL from dps_pxpay.sql by either pasting or uploading it into
zen-cart admin (Tools -> Install SQL Patches)

3.3 Due to the extremly long redirect URLs generated by DPS, the size of the
column 'last_page_url' in the zen-cart table 'whos_online' needs to be extended
from 255 to at least 2048.

3.4 If using PHP with the suhosin extension it is required to have the setting 
'suhosin.get.max_value_length' set to also at least 2048 in order to allow PHP
to process long redirect urls.

4. Setup and Configuration
4.1 Activate the module
Login to the zen-cart admin and install this module under Modules -> Payment.

4.2 Configure
This module has a few options that need to be configured.

4.2.1 'Enable DPS PxPay Module'
This allows to disable the module without the need to uninstall it (ie. remove
all module settings).
NOTE: Uninstalling the module will remove all configuration values from the 
database. The additional tracking table will not be removed.

4.2.2 DPS UserId
This is the PxPay UserId provided by DPS.

4.2.3 DPS PayKey
This is the 64 character key for your PxPay account provided by DPS.

4.2.4 Transaction Method
This allows you to choose the transaction method. You can choose between:
* Purchase
  Payments are done immediately.
* Auth
  The payment is authorized only. No funds are transferred at checkout time.
  The merchant is required to complete the transaction within 7 days.

Please see http://www.paymentexpress.com/technical_resources/ecommerce_hosted/pxpay.html#txntype
for more details.

4.2.5 Email Logging 
If enabled, all transactions will trigger a notification email to the configured
email address.

4.2.6 Payment Zone 
If set, this module will be only available for the given zone, based on the
customer billing address (requires the state field to be enabled).

4.2.7 Order Status
The order status to be set for orders made with this module.

4.2.8 Sort Order
When using multiple payment options, this value will allow you to configure
the order in which payment options are displayed to the customer.