
A tiny cron-like daemon, which can only run one schedule and only one command.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This project is still in an early alpha state and subject to a lot of changes.

A tiny cron-like daemon, which can only run one schedule and only one command.

Why was it created?

In my Kubernetes cluster, I use sidecar containers for backups, which is necessary in StatefulSets to directly access the volumes. This tool allows me to schedule jobs to run at a certain time, without have to use weird(er) hacks.

Also it's always a fun exercise to do stuff in Rust :-)

On average, the process needs less than 1 MiB of RAM and practically zero CPU.


The container available at the Docker Hub is kinda useless by itself, it's meant to be used as a base as part of a multi-stage-build:

FROM dermitch/nanocron AS nanocron

FROM ubuntu:20.04

COPY --from=nanocron /nanocron /usr/bin/nanocron

# Add whatever you need
RUN apt-get update \
 && apt-get install --yes my-backup-tool \
 && apt-get clean

COPY run_backup.sh /

# Run each day at midnight (UTC only atm)
CMD ["/usr/bin/nanocron", "0 * * * * *", "/run_backup.sh"]