vault_printer is a little program to extract a whole kv_store of a Vault Server to stdout in markdown. This could be used to print it out and store it in a physical safe somewhere. Or at least that's the purpose for which I wrote it.
Get a stable version from PyPi
pip install vault_printer
or via git
pip install git+
E.g extract kv_store test
and login via ldap:
vault_printer --ldap test >>
usage: vault_printer [-h] [--version] [-v] [--no-toc] [--no-content]
[--ldap | --token] [--username USERNAME]
[--password PASSWORD] [--tokenLogin TOKENLOGIN]
[url] kv_store
A program to get all secrets from a vault servers kv_store for printing
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
--ldap login via ldap
--token login via token
server parameter:
url the url of the vault server
kv_store the kv store to export from
output configuration:
--no-toc don't print the toc
--no-content don't print the content
login parameter:
--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
the username with which to login, if omitted you'll be
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
the password to login, if omitted you'll be asked
the token to login, if omitted you'll be asked
Currently the only supported login methods are:
- Token
Maybe I will add some more in the future. If you need another Login Method feel free to open a issue or even a PR.
This program also uses these environment variables if set
: the url of the vault server
: the token to authenticate with the --token
login method