This modules main intend is to centralize plotting scripts.
I often have the problem that I create dozens of plotting scripts which are spread all over the file system. It is quite bothersome to keep track of them and launch them, as I always need to specify their path. Of course I could just dump them all in one directory and add it to my path. But I don't want to pollute my path and I want a better structure. This module is my attempt to do so.
Specified directories are made accessible via pyplot. If we have e.g. a directory /home/user/plotter, scripts can be dumped into the plotter folder and then be launched centrally with the pyplot script via:
It is also possible to structure them in subfolders and launch them via:
First you have to specify the directories pyplot is supposed to keep track of. This can be done by
$ pyplot configure addroot
$ pyplot configure addsub
Scripts in directories added as root are directly available via pyplot
, for directories added as subdirectory the subdirectory has to be
given first pyplot subdirectory SCRIPTNAME
. Subdirectories so to speak
create a new namespace.
Before scripts are available the command:
$ pyplot configure update
has to be used, to make the module aware of the new script. All scripts have to satisfy a certain structure. The scripts can be placed in the directory or in subdirectories of it.
Currently the scripts to be launched form pyplot have to fulfill either of the following structures:
- Implement a function get_parser(add_help) which returns a ArgumentParser. The argument parser has to be created with ArgumentParser(..., add_help=add_help). This is necessary for the parser to be used as a parent. This way the help is also available in the pyplot script.
- Implement a main(args) function which takes the namespace object which would be created by the argument parser as argument.
- Do not implement a function get_parser(add_help)
- Implement a function main() which doesn't need any arguments. sys.argv will be replaced to mimic a native call.
- Using argparser:
import argparse
def get_parser(add_help=True):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="an example", add_help=add_help)
return parser
def main(args):
print('This is the main method which can use args')
if __name__ == '__main__':
PARSER = get_parser()
ARGS = PARSER.parse_args()
- Without argparser:
import sys
def main():
print('This is the main method, proper sys.args are available')
if __name__ == '__main__':
argcomplete is used to realize the dynamic argument completion.
Install the package and use:
$ eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pyplot)"
Add this line to your .bash_rc if you want to have this permanently.
argcomplete currently doesn't support zsh. The bash argument completion can however be used. To set this up you additionally need to execute the following commands:
$ autoload bashcompinit
$ bashcompinit
Then the same command as in bash can be used:
$ eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pyplot)"
Again, if you want this permanetly and not only per session add these three lines to your .zsh_rc.
The script can currently be installed from source with the script or using pip. I would however advise to only use:
$ python setup develop
This is the only thing I tried so far. If it is installed, auto completion works if setup accordingly. It is just a bit slow so far.
Currently no known issue
- [X] fix config file issue
- [O] speed up autocompletion, maybe a shelf is possible
- [O] add test for update clean as files are removed
- [O] make it stable (adding test)
- [O] make the project structure more dynamic
- [X] add config file to to specify included direcories
- [X] include direcotories via config script
- [X] allow root as well es subdirectories
- [O] show status
- [X] remove directories via config script
- [X] allow subpoints to group scripts
- [X] relax the structural requirements for the scripts (ArgumentParser optional)
- [X] convert readme to rst for python