
A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.

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#Front-end Job Interview Questions

This file contains a number of front-end interview questions that can be used when vetting potential candidates. It is by no means recommended to use every single question here on the same candidate (that would take hours). Choosing a few items from this list should help you vet the intended skills you require.

Note: Keep in mind that many of these questions are open-ended and could lead to interesting discussions that tell you more about the person's capabilities than a straight answer would.

Table of Contents

  1. General Questions
  2. HTML Questions
  3. CSS Questions
  4. JS Questions
  5. Testing Questions
  6. Performance Questions
  7. Network Questions
  8. Coding Questions
  9. Fun Questions

JS Questions:

  • Explain event delegation

based on event bubbling, the event is first captured and handled by target element and then propagated to outer elements(father). So event delegation is a handling that binds a event to the outer element rather than to each of its children elements. It's a easy way for event listener to manage.

eg: click'li', delete it

  • add click to every 'li'
  • add click listener to 'ul'(recommend)

在'ul'节点上添加event listener: language-javascript

// Get the element, add a click listener...

document.getElementsByTag("ul")[0].addEventListener("click", function(e) {

// e.target is the clicked element

// If it was a list item

if(e.target && e.target.nodeName == "LI") {

    // List item found.  Do whatever you want.
    console.log("List item ", e.target.id.replace("post-"), " was clicked!");




  • Explain how this works in JavaScript

function example(){



function example2(e){



var targetElem = document.getElementById("imp");

var target=document.getElementById("work");

example();//show "undefinde", as example is a global function(直接调用的情况下), so \this\ is the obj of window.

targetElem.onclick=example;//show "imp", as example is a declared function in obj targetElem, so 通过object调用example,\this\ is targetElem.


return example();

}//show "undefined", 因为example还是被直接调用了,\this\ is window


return example2(this);// \this\ is targetElem


targetElem.conclick=example.bind(target);//show"work", as bind() already change the context from targetElem to target, so \this\ is object target.

  • reference:

-- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this

  • Explain how prototypal inheritance works

javaScript在ES6之前没有显式类继承,所以要实现继承类,需要用prototype property.是继承实例(无法实现继承接口)


child.prototype.constructor=child;//constructor要指定给child, 否则指向的是father

可以override methode

  • What do you think of AMD vs CommonJS?

  • Explain why the following doesn't work as an IIFE: function foo(){ }();.

    • What needs to be changed to properly make it an IIFE?

    IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined.

    The first pair of parentheses (function(){...}) turns the code within (in this case, a function) into an expression, and the second pair of parentheses (function(){...})() calls the function that results from that evaluated expression.

  • What's the difference between a variable that is: null, undefined or undeclared?

    • How would you go about checking for any of these states?

null is the null value of a variable;

undefined is a declared variable without valuation

undeclared will be shown when you use a variable without declaration ahead.

  • What is a closure, and how/why would you use one?

In javascript, there is no private methods or variables. But in javascript, child can access variables of father, but father can't access variables of child.So we can apply this to implement closure that you can't access and modified its variables directly from outside.


implement private variables and functions:

var counter=(function(){

var privateCount=0;

function changeBy(val){



return {

increase: function(){



decrease: function(){



value: function(){

  return privateCount;




we get a counter, an object with three methods: increase,decrease,value.

console.log(counter.value()); // logs 0



console.log(counter.value()); // logs 2


console.log(counter.value()); // logs 1

  • What's a typical use case for anonymous functions?

anonymous functions is invoked at runtime

  • use anonymous functions in function expression.

  • as a parameter passed to a function.

console.log((function(){return "alert!";})());

  • as a return

function getfunction(){

return function(){




  • How do you organize your code? (module pattern, classical inheritance?)

  • What's the difference between host objects and native objects?

The native objects are sometimes referred to as “global objects” since they are the objects that JavaScript has made natively available for use.

Below find the list of native object constructors that come pre-packaged with JavaScript:

✴ Number() ✴ String() ✴ Boolean() ✴ Object() ✴ Array() ✴ Function() ✴ Date() ✴ RegExp() ✴ Error() ✴ EvalError() ✴ RangeError() ✴ ReferenceError() ✴ SyntaxError() ✴ TypeError() ✴ URIError()

Host objects are not part of the ECMAScript implementation, but are available as objects during execution. Of course, the availability and behavior of a host object depends completely on what the host environment provides. For example, in the web browser environment the window/head object and all of its containing objects (excluding what JavaScript provides) are considered host objects: user-defined object, BOM and DOM.

  • Difference between: function Person(){}, var person = Person(), and var person = new Person()?

    function Person(){} is function declaration.

    var person = Person(), person is the obj returned by Person.

    var person = new Person() is function constructor, person is a instance of class Person

  • What's the difference between .call and .apply?

.call/.apply can be used for changing context of a function.



  • Explain Function.prototype.bind.

use bind to change context of a function(ES5)

var targetElem = document.getElementById("imp");

var target=document.getElementById("work");

targetElem.conclick=fn.bind(target);//target will be the obj that be accessed by fn, not targetElem, as bind() already change the context from targetElem to target

  • When would you use document.write()?

The write() method is mostly used for testing: If it is used after an HTML document is fully loaded, it will delete all existing HTML.

When this method is not used for testing, it is often used to write some text to an output stream opened by the document.open(). Writing to a document that has already loaded without calling document.open() will automatically perform a document.open call. Once you have finished writing, it is recommended to call document.close(), to tell the browser to finish loading the page.

  • What's the difference between feature detection, feature inference, and using the User Agent string?

Feature Detection is to verify if a feature works in a particular browser or not. The feature can be either a CSS property or a Java Script Method.

Feature inference checks for a feature just like feature detection, but uses another function because it assumes it will also exist; eg: if x exists, we can assume that y exists.比如用document.getElementsByTagNameNS是否存在来判断是否是IE环境,以保证下面是用的feature是available的

if you request a HTTP request to web server with a specific user agent, the responded contents and data related to this particular browser will be displayed.

feature detection reference:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Archive/Web/Browser_feature_detection

  • Explain Ajax in as much detail as possible.

Ajax use XMLHttpRequest object to communicate with web server, send and receive information of Json,XML,HTML format. it's asynchronous, so it can do all of this without having to refresh the page. This lets you update portions of a page based upon user events

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Ajax?

advantage:it's asynchronous, so it can do all of this without having to refresh the page. This lets you update portions of a page based upon user events

disadvantage:Security is less in AJAX application as all files are downloaded at client side; JavaScript disabled browsers cannot use the application

  • Explain how JSONP works (and how it's not really Ajax).
  • Have you ever used JavaScript templating?
    • If so, what libraries have you used?
  • Explain "hoisting".
  • Describe event bubbling.
  • What's the difference between an "attribute" and a "property"?
  • Why is extending built-in JavaScript objects not a good idea?
  • Difference between document load event and document DOMContentLoaded event?
  • What is the difference between == and ===?
  • Explain the same-origin policy with regards to JavaScript.
  • Make this work:
duplicate([1,2,3,4,5]); // [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5]
  • Why is it called a Ternary expression, what does the word "Ternary" indicate?
  • What is "use strict";? what are the advantages and disadvantages to using it?
  • Create a for loop that iterates up to 100 while outputting "fizz" at multiples of 3, "buzz" at multiples of 5 and "fizzbuzz" at multiples of 3 and 5
  • Why is it, in general, a good idea to leave the global scope of a website as-is and never touch it?
  • Why would you use something like the load event? Does this event have disadvantages? Do you know any alternatives, and why would you use those?
  • Explain what a single page app is and how to make one SEO-friendly.
  • What is the extent of your experience with Promises and/or their polyfills?
  • What are the pros and cons of using Promises instead of callbacks?
  • What are some of the advantages/disadvantages of writing JavaScript code in a language that compiles to JavaScript?
  • What tools and techniques do you use debugging JavaScript code?
  • What language constructions do you use for iterating over object properties and array items?
  • Explain the difference between mutable and immutable objects.
    • What is an example of an immutable object in JavaScript?
    • What are the pros and cons of immutability?
    • How can you achieve immutability in your own code?
  • Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous functions.
  • What is event loop?
    • What is the difference between call stack and task queue?
  • Explain the differences on the usage of foo between function foo() {} and var foo = function() {}

Testing Questions:

  • What are some advantages/disadvantages to testing your code?
  • What tools would you use to test your code's functionality?
  • What is the difference between a unit test and a functional/integration test?
  • What is the purpose of a code style linting tool?

Performance Questions:

  • What tools would you use to find a performance bug in your code?
  • What are some ways you may improve your website's scrolling performance?
  • Explain the difference between layout, painting and compositing.

Network Questions:

  • Traditionally, why has it been better to serve site assets from multiple domains?
  • Do your best to describe the process from the time you type in a website's URL to it finishing loading on your screen.
  • What are the differences between Long-Polling, Websockets and Server-Sent Events?
  • Explain the following request and response headers:
    • Diff. between Expires, Date, Age and If-Modified-...
    • Do Not Track
    • Cache-Control
    • Transfer-Encoding
    • ETag
    • X-Frame-Options
  • What are HTTP methods? List all HTTP methods that you know, and explain them.

Coding Questions:

Question: What is the value of foo?

var foo = 10 + '20';

Question: How would you make this work?

add(2, 5); // 7
add(2)(5); // 7

Question: What value is returned from the following statement?

"i'm a lasagna hog".split("").reverse().join("");

Question: What is the value of window.foo?

( window.foo || ( window.foo = "bar" ) );

Question: What is the outcome of the two alerts below?

var foo = "Hello";
(function() {
  var bar = " World";
  alert(foo + bar);
alert(foo + bar);

Question: What is the value of foo.length?

var foo = [];

Question: What is the value of foo.x?

var foo = {n: 1};
var bar = foo;
foo.x = foo = {n: 2};

Question: What does the following code print?

setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);

Fun Questions:

  • What's a cool project that you've recently worked on?
  • What are some things you like about the developer tools you use?
  • Who inspires you in the front-end community?
  • Do you have any pet projects? What kind?
  • What's your favorite feature of Internet Explorer?
  • How do you like your coffee?


This document started in 2009 as a collaboration of @paul_irish @bentruyman @cowboy @ajpiano @SlexAxton @boazsender @miketaylr @vladikoff @gf3 @jon_neal @sambreed and @iansym.

It has since received contributions from over 100 developers.