
A DarkRift 2 listener that enables connection via steamworks p2p, offering NAT traversal and steams fancy relay.

Primary LanguageC#

DarkRift2 - Steamworks P2P listener

A listener that enables communication via steam's P2P networking system.


Steam P2P Listener


  • Uses Steam's Relay, no more NAT problems.
  • Steam's matchmaking, this uses lobbies so matchmaking is easy to setup.


If Steamworks is not initialized, it will fail to create/join a lobby.

This is for games where one player acts as the host, so this will not work for dedicated servers or the standalone darkrift server.

PR are always welcome! ☺


DarkRift2 Setup

DarkRift2 has a bug where it does not find listeners by default in Unity.

Doing this workaround may cause issues that I am unaware of, but it seems to work fine. To fix this, open the script Assets/DarkRift/DarkRift/Plugins/Server/UnityServerHelper.cs Change line 40 from

if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Plugin)) && !type.IsAbstract)


if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PluginBase)) && !type.IsAbstract)

Another DarkRift2 bug is that it will not properly dispose of clients unless you have a callback on your XmlUnityServer.Server.ClientManager.ClientDisconnected. Simply adding the following line to where you have your server will fix this issue.

GetComponent<XmlUnityServer>().Server.ClientManager.ClientDisconnected += (s, c) => Debug.Log("Client Disconnected.");

Listener Config

All of the settings in the listener have default values, which means you can start it without any settings and it will work fine.

<listener name="Steamworks Listener" type="SteamListener" />


  • NoDelay - Should it send messages instantly? Default: False
  • MaxUsers - How many users can the lobby hold. Default: 10
  • LobbyType - Used for steam matchmaking. Choices: Friends, Invisible, Private, Public. Default: Public
  • DataSize - Used for allocating byte arrays. Change if you send big packets. Default: 1400
<listener name="Steamworks Listener" type="SteamListener">
    DataSize="1400" />

Client Connecting

To connect a client you will need a lobby ID of the match you want to join. You can obtain one from the steam matchmaking service. The lobbyID is in the type of a ulong (uint64)

Then to connect you need to call

GetComponent<UnityClient>().Client.ConnectInBackground(new SteamClientConnection(LOBBYIDHERE));

Optionally there are also settings for the client like the server. You can change the size of the allocated byte arrays and NoDelay option. Example:

GetComponent<UnityClient>().Client.ConnectInBackground(new SteamClientConnection(LOBBYIDHERE, 1400, false));

The listener will automatically join the steam lobby so no need to join it before hand and it will also handle leaving the lobby when you call Disconnect.

Getting a clients SteamID

In your game you will probably want some way to get a clients steamID, for their name, avatar, leaderboards, etc.

You can only get a clients steamID from the server. The server can send other players steamIDs to players and they can get names/avatars also.

Getting a players steamID, you use the following function, which returns a ulong



Debug.Log("New Data from SteamID: " + SteamListener.GetUsersSteamID(messageReceivedEventArgs.Client));