A web app to provide a better 3D interaction. Power by IntBridge
- .setting is aptana studio 3 setting file, ignore it if you use other IDE. (may delete this folder in future)
- admin is back-end website for maintenance, currently under developing.
- class contains php classes, developer shall follow OOP rules. ex. membership.class.php for membership.
- config contains general config used in pages(such as include ...), written in php.
- css is css collection.
- ico stores all the icos and different size version for cross-platform use.
- img stores all the images.
- js stores all the javascripts.
- models stores all the 3D models.
- php stores php helpers for ajax.
- .gitignore: Boys, you should know... Otherwise, go to ask Costanzo....
- .project: Don't ask me, it come with my IDE... Something to do with build, I suppose.
- home.php is the home page after users login. It is a map view, plan to change to a list view in the future.
- index.php is the welcome and home page for the project.
- login.php is the login page.
- logout.php is the logout page.
- place.php is where the models are displayed.
- signup.php is the register page.
- IDE is recommended, but it is your choose.
- XAMPP is required for local testing
- you need to setup database for some feature to work, contact me for the details. GitHub: derek-x-wang Phone: 1(626)354-3629 I higely recommended you to follow this tutorial for setup.
Add your name after the todo so we know you are dealing with that issue.
TODOs | Contributors |
Developing admin site for members who do not have programing background. Include Pages, Users, Database... managements. Remeber, this is for people of zero coding experience. | |
Style redo. Improve current UI. Please keep in mind, the website need to able to work cross-platform, so does the UI. | |
Finishing index.php, give customers a good intro page. Keep it simple! | |
Finishing signup.php, google stlye is recommended. | |
Finishing login.php and logout.php with secure approach, google login stlye is recommended. | |
Redo home.php, add list view option. | |
Developing place.php for: | |
++the better interaction(engine) | |
++a new loading bar | |
++minimizing loading time | |
++the local stoage ability | |
++the better format support | |
++etc | |
Adding new database methods. |
Github, Phone, email, skype
Derek Wang: derek-x-wang, 1(626)354-3629, derekxinzhewang@gmail.com, derekxw
By Derek Wang, 9/30/2014