GloveBox React Challenge

Finished Challenge

Wireframing done here


Fork this repo and add the following functionality to this React App. Once you are finished, send us a link to your fork.


  1. Inside component/Page.jsx load a list of policies from the getPolicies method imported from data/provider.js.

  2. These policies should get stored in redux and brought into the component by utilizing a useSelector hook.

  3. Group the records in the policies array by carrierID then render one list for each carrier - with each list containing the policies associated with that carrier.

  4. Style the page with some basic css to make it visually appealing.

  5. Place an edit button on each policy. When clicked show a policy edit form with the following:

    • Select input with options populated from the getPolicyTypes method imported from data/provider.js. The default option selected should reflect the current policy type.
    • Save button that when pressed persists the policy type update into the policies redux store and hides the edit form.


  • Both the policies array retrieved from getPolicies and the policyTypes array from getPolicyTypes should be stored in the redux store.
  • The update policy type form, when submitted should update the policy type for the appropriate policy inside the redux store
  • Both the getPolicies and getPolicyTypes methods should be called only once per application load
  • The UI should look good in both mobile and desktop with elements wrapping when necessary. The design should be simple and modern with space around each element.